Sustainable Cities

The Green Architecture Matters

sergey avetisyan
Urban Future Magazine
3 min readOct 3, 2023


In today’s fast-paced urbanizing society, the significance of sustainable cities cannot be overstated. The process of urbanization presents immense challenges, ranging from climate change to dwindling resources, underscoring the crucial need for efficient city governance. A key focus area gaining notable attention is the incorporation of eco-friendly architecture into urban planning. This article will delve into the importance of green architecture in city governance and its role in improving the quality of life in urban environments. Furthermore, we will suggest three essential reads on city management that offer valuable insights into the sustainable urban development movement.

Photo by Laurin Dal Castel on Unsplash

Green Architecture:

A Path to Environmental Sustainability Green architecture, often referred to as sustainable or eco-friendly architecture, emphasizes reducing a building’s negative impact on the environment and its occupants. Key aspects of green architecture include energy efficiency, water conservation, sustainable materials, waste reduction, and integration with the natural environment. Implementing green architecture in urban development can significantly mitigate the environmental footprint of cities. For instance, incorporating energy-efficient building designs can lead to reduced energy consumption and subsequently lower carbon emissions. By utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, cities can move towards energy independence and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

Enhanced Urban Livability through Green Spaces Green architecture seamlessly integrates with the creation of green spaces within cities. Accessible parks, gardens, and recreational areas are vital for promoting physical activity, mental well-being, and community cohesion. These green spaces provide urban dwellers with an escape from the concrete jungle, offering a breath of fresh air and a connection to nature. Additionally, vegetation within urban areas improves air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. By strategically incorporating green spaces into urban planning, cities enhance the overall livability and health of their residents.

Economic Advantages of Green Architecture Contrary to the belief that sustainable practices are financially burdensome, green architecture offers substantial long-term economic benefits. Energy-efficient buildings significantly reduce operational costs by minimizing energy consumption. Moreover, sustainable buildings often have higher property values and lower vacancy rates, making them attractive investments. By incorporating sustainable practices into city management, governments and stakeholders can stimulate economic growth while fostering a greener future.

Recommended Books on City Management:

“The Death and Life of Great American Cities” by Jane Jacobs

This groundbreaking book challenges traditional urban planning and offers fresh perspectives on fostering vibrant, functional cities.

“Cities for People” by Jan Gehl

Jan Gehl, an urban design expert, explores how the design of public spaces can enhance the quality of life in cities, emphasizing people-centric urban planning.

“Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design” by Charles Montgomery

Charles Montgomery delves into the relationship between urban design and human happiness, offering insights on how cities can be designed to create happier, healthier lives for their inhabitants.

Adopting green architecture isn’t just a choice — it’s a vital requirement for effective city management. It offers a sustainable approach to tackle the hurdles of urbanization, aiming for a future that’s both environmentally mindful and conducive to a higher quality of life. By embracing the tenets of green architecture and delving into the suggested literature on city management, we can play an active role in crafting cities that are not only efficient but also sustainable and pleasant places to live.



sergey avetisyan
Urban Future Magazine

is an economist and writer. My research interests lie in the field of urban economics, economic geography, and the financial stability of the banking sector.