Be a Girl Like Nobody’s Watching

Tanya Mulkidzhanova
Urban Girl Notes
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2016

What better ‘beauty day’ than Sunday?

When you live with someone (like a husband or boyfriend) — you can forget what it’s like on your own. Well, today is my ‘alone’ day. My guy is out for his stuff, and I have a full day on my own: to plan or not to plan. It’s not even evening, and I miss my man already. But in a very calm way: I was just checking whether I’d be fine on my own, and I sure am. The pleasure of being a couple is that you both didn’t mind being single in the first place, but it turned out just better together. He kissed me good-bye today and left for a whole day, and I decided to pretend I was living alone — good old girl days in a single mode.

I’m typing this with a face mask on, the kind that makes men shrug. I was this close to listening to something Rihann’y or Beyonce’y, but couldn’t bring myself to it — so it’s Dimitri From Paris mix from 15 years ago.

Every girl does it

It’s funny how all your life you believe in a certain picture of yourself. I’m not about makeup — AT ALL. I’m smart — and usually smarter than my man. I only listen to a certain type of music. I don’t talk much… Blah blah blah. And I was sure that I attract a certain very special kind of guys, specifically because I am (or I’m not) all those things. Evidently, now, I do — talk much. And overspend on makeup. And I’m that girl who acts all goofy around her guy, and sometimes doesn’t know when to shut up honey you’ve been talking for the past hour enough already maybe… And the guy I’m with… well, he doesn’t really mind. I mean, he deals with it. He copes with me. And from the looks of it, I make him happy. And he’s way smarter, and we don’t have to prove anything to each other, so we sometimes act goofy when no one’s around. And, and, and…

[Funny how Eastside Connection‘s ‘You’re So Right For Me’ comes up…]

So yeah… Apparently what girls do when there are no guys around — they talk about guys. So here I am. With my mask on. I’d better change it for another one now: I now have so many beauty products that they all expire faster than I use them up. (I’m still no good at keeping ‘good care’ of myself like ALL THE OTHER GIRLS DO.)

Today, I stayed in bed late. Had something for a breakfast in bed, too, watching a TV show. “Mozart in the Jungle” — I crave some light entertainment lately (okay, I also have a thing for Gael Garcia Bernal). Worked out, cleaned the apartment a bit, and went out shopping. Having spent some time (a few hours, let’s be honest) last night watching and reading stuff about makeup and style — hello Garance and Lisa — I decided that I need two things:

  1. Get rid of all expired beauty products on my shelves.
  2. Get myself a cream blush that I can also use on my lips.

I started with the latter. Now I’m a proud owner of Chanel Les Beiges blush, and lazily considering going through shelves with makeup. While I’m not a hoarder (yet), I still had to trash Dior lipgloss yesterday — it’s waaaaaay expired, and not nearly finished yet. Also, recently, there was a sad farewell to Lancôme mascara: over 12 months old, causing pain to my eyeballs. I sometimes go without makeup altogether, so I’m cutting down on the things that I buy. What? I only bought one product (a blush AND a lip tint in one!) — instead of two!

Okay, looks like I’m in an overly girly mood, but that’s exactly the point. It’s fun being a girl! Even when over-serious-adult-problems-and-things are everywhere around you, you still have your girly side — remember to give it a voice. And give it some space, too: for mani-pedi, face masks and dancing to Rihanna every once in a while.



Tanya Mulkidzhanova
Urban Girl Notes

Product Manager. Made in Ukraine, living in Berlin, raising a daughter.