You are what you are

I can’t get no satisfaction

Tanya Mulkidzhanova
Urban Girl Notes


You want to be somewhere else — but you don’t know where.

You want to be doing something interesting — but you don’t know what.

You want to be around different people — but you don’t know who.

You want to be different (as in someone else) — but you don’t know how.

This constant feeling of wanting something different from what you have, always something else. You know you have to think positive, you know you can’t run from yourself, and yet you want your poor self to be different. And you’re stuck not knowing what your first step in this long journey should be. And you’re wasting time being dissatisfied with who you are.

There should be a “Stop killing yourself” sign here. I should be giving you, the reader, an advice that I’m really giving myself.

There won’t be one. Because we both have read things online and in books, teaching us to trick our own minds, to trick ourselves into enjoying what we have and who we are. Yet, after a while, the cheerful state fades away, and you (we) are left dissatisfied. Again.

You are what you are

No use wanting something different, unless wanting comes with doing.

So the only thing I can say is repeat after Douglas Adams:

Don’t panic



Tanya Mulkidzhanova
Urban Girl Notes

Product Manager. Made in Ukraine, living in Berlin, raising a daughter.