Hello World

Jonas Schorr
Urban Impact Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2019

Today Urban Impact goes officially live and we are super excited to tell this little news to the big world!

For the last two years, we have been operating as a think tank focused on impactful tech for cities. We worked with public authorities, corporates, NGOs and urban tech startups (on a mostly pro-bono basis). Our goal was to connect people and help with the execution of projects we found interesting and important for the city. We didn’t care too much for the world to know about us. As this was a side activity to our core jobs we had our hands full of work anyway.

Things started to change slowly at the beginning of 2019. We’ve observed a significant increase in interest in urban tech and unusual suspects industries, since Private Equity started to talk about impact too. We realized this could be a good moment to leverage what we do for a bigger scale. We decided to turn Urban Impact into our full-time business.

Work with us as part of our Academy, Launchpad & Studio

We started the agency aiming at connecting all the dots necessary for impactful urban technology to change cities.

Therefore, we grouped our activities into three main categories: Academy, Launchpad and Studio.

  • Within the Academy, we leverage our academic and NGO network, and our own intellectual passion for cities to share what we know (and constantly learn from brilliant people). This is the platform for sharing urban tech knowledge from Europe and beyond with the wider world — from innovation journeys to workshops or executive bootcamps.
  • Our Launchpad is aimed at bottom-up, startup innovators who want to change the city. We speed up their journey from 1 to 100 cities. We help them win new markets, understand how cities operate and connect with the right people at the right time through our networks.
  • Urban tech studio is our creative playground where we co-create innovation concepts with cities and corporates and do venture building with our tech partners.

Our goal is to become a go-to team for all the important urban tech activities on our continent. We believe that the only way to achieve this is the holistic approach, combining the whole spectrum of elements important for the tech in cities: from understanding the city dynamics, through climate change, to venture capital investments.

Stay connected

So whether you are an urban tech start-up, a public official, corporate innovator, ecosystem builder or bottom-up city rebel, we want to hear from you! Just drop us a line at hello[at]urbanimpact.eu

We are also launching our monthly newsletter (Sign up here) where we provide you with an overview of what’s happening in Urban Tech in Berlin and across Europe, so make sure not to miss it and subscribe below.

Last but not least, follow our exciting journey up close on social media:

Catch you on the flip side!

Dominik & Jonas



Jonas Schorr
Urban Impact Blog

Co-founder, Urban Impact. Works with cities and start-ups to do cool things together. Based in #smartcityberlin.