The Revolution Against Evolution
You are a human. You have a big brain and a body that is supposed to be extremely functional. In fact a huge chunk of your brain is used for the control of the body, and not logical thinking. We have come closer to AI models that can imitate thinking and coming up with solutions than to robots that can move as easily and gracefully as us.
As humans of this technologically advanced world, logical thinking is considered extremely valuable, much more valuable than the body at least. If you’re “smart”, you’ll do well in career, get rich and can enjoy all sorts of weird comforts.
This is leading to us ignoring our bodies, an extremely important part of us. But, that’s alright because all the technology we have built enables us to live with weakened bodies. We can be in a wheel chair if we cannot walk. We can be in a bed, if we cannot move. We can be fed weird drinks with the required nutrient content if we cannot chew. We can directly send fluids into the bloodstream if we cannot drink. It’s just crazayy!
With all of this, it seems fair that we continue to work with our minds and advance technology that’s making survival easier. And as we continue this way, maybe we’ll evolve into beings that do not need limbs, which we can see a glimpse of in Wall-E.
And who is anyone to say that it’s sad. Maybe we will be extremely content with that situation. It’s not like a fish is sad that it can’t fly and a tree that it can’t walk.
But until we evolve into those beings that don’t need much of a physically functional body, we, who are forging a new way of living against the existing natural way that we were intended to live by, are in a constant struggle since we are resisting nature itself. Even if we survive, it seems to be unsatisfactory based on the stories I’ve heard.
Well, there were always rebels who were fighting against the order of things that existed in their time. Their life wouldn’t have been easy either. But, they had a motivation to be so and I can only assume that it must have been a conscious choice(Let’s leave out how conscious choices are also shaped by the environment for now.)
But, we are no rebels. Many of us that are leading this revolution against evolution are in it without even knowing that we are a part of it. We are victims of our own unintended crime.
If you think this is the right way to live, a life full of “comforts”(all these comforts don’t seem to make you feel comfortable anymore when you lose your physical freedom), or if you value this technological advancement over the natural order and are ready to put yourself in a constant struggle and survive with the help of technology in an unsatisfactory manner, sure, it’s your choice.
But, if you’re not interested in that struggle and are just living the way you are simply habitually and if you don’t like that knee pain you might be walking with or that back pain you might be living with; if you do not realise that what’s messing with your body and making you feel uncomfortable is our current way of living — it’s something to think about, isn’t it?