On Mobility: Subways

Aya Abdelfatah
Urban Reflections
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2020

A series by: Aya Abdelfatah and Islam (Sam) Ibrahim

Urban Reflections is a series which sheds light on the degree of resilience of cities as revealed by the pandemic in a way that contributes to a constructive dialogue so that social justice prevails in the future of our urban life.

Adam wakes up to a rare sunny fall day in Vancouver; a lot has changed in the past few months. Even though he has not left his home except for some basic essentials, today is the day he felt safe enough to finally take the subway. He checks his updated transit app which has so many new options! He has visibility not only over train schedules, but also over estimates of wait times at the fare gates, number of people at different stations, new social distancing protocols, and contactless payment methods.

Having purchased his ticket online, he arrives at the station and smoothly heads towards the train platform. Two minutes later he gets on the train and finds stickers on the floor with standing and seating positions that help passengers maintain social distance. Adam is now part of a bigger interconnected network of safe public mobility.

Many cities are relying on underground rail systems to ease mobility and avoid disrupting on-grade space. Photography and graphics by authors.

The Problem and Scale

The International Association of Public Transport, reported 53 billion passengers relying on mass transit systems globally in 2017. An already crowded system calling for more efficiency is now facing exceptional social distancing regulations calling for more space. Reconciling these two opposing forces requires creative adjustments to the current system. This proposal occurs partially through design enhancements coupled with technological interventions.

Design Enhancements

While some might be afraid of the virus transmission within enclosed spaces, an article in the New York Times argues that the ventilation system in subways is better than that in restaurants and schools. Air inside the train is fully replaced every 3.3 minutes. In reality, a greater, yet undermined, threat lies in the materials used in most surfaces in the subway system.

Cities and train operators published guides outlining the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces in the system. However, strategic design moves can decrease the risk 18 times! This additionally reduces the soaring cost of constant disinfection by simply replacing the stainless steel with copper (or its alloys). Copper is an antimicrobial material that shows coronavirus decay as low as four hours in comparison to the current average of three days. This is useful not only for the current pandemic crisis, but also to other viruses as it proves to be beneficial for the general public health.

Technological Interventions

In addition to the personal safety regulations required by passengers such as wearing masks and sanitizing hands, there are efforts to minimize crowding at stations especially at potential bottlenecks. Passengers are encouraged to purchase their tickets online through mobile applications or use stored value cards instead of crowding by ticket vending machines. Another potential bottleneck is the train platform which becomes frequently crowded during rush hours. In that respect, Vancouver’s TransLink has increased platform space by allowing all-door boarding in stations where ridership is highest.

But what if we can help riders plan a streamlined trip, reduce chances of virus transmission, and ensure the economical viability of the system with a simple technological upgrade to the existing subway infrastructure? A win-win situation for everyone.

The key is in integrating sensor-based counters at fare gates which limit the number of passengers in each station according to the safe capacity set by health authorities. These counters only allow passengers through if there is space on the platform to safely wait. Meanwhile, the sensors feed real-time data to mobile apps or transit websites which users can access to plan their trips ahead. Moreover, transit authorities can use this data to optimize their operations. This upgrade can be integrated with existing solutions such as Google maps and Rocketman apps, offering the benefit of reliable and accurate data in comparison to users’ input.

Visualizing the streamlining effect where sensor-based counters at the fare gates control the number of passengers allowed into the paid zone and platform. Animation created by authors.

Modus Operandi

Some systems such as Cairo Metro already have a distance-based fare system which is dependent on the number of stations a passenger will travel. According to TransLink, this system is “simple, fair, and affordable” since passengers pay according to their usage rather than a flat-rate. Relevant to this proposal, it provides the missing puzzle piece; an accurate estimate to the disembarking location for each passenger.

Infrastructure projects take time to implement. Until these changes are realized, there are instant implications requiring further design interventions.

Public Space and Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

These solutions come at an expense where they can potentially cause congestion at station entrances. While having congestion outdoors is evidently safer than having it on the platform, or inside the train, it is imperative to provide ample comfortable “waiting space” for the overspill.

That being said, stations need to act as hotspots for activities rather than merely mobility terminals. This can be seen in recent development efforts where residential and commercial activities are clustered around major subway stations offering people ample outdoor space, namely overspill space.

Subway station at a mall in Metro Vancouver with designed overspill space that accommodates passengers and mall guests alike. Photography and graphics by authors.

Issue of Inclusivity

It is essential to maintain basic principles of equity and inclusivity while streamlining mobility, both in design enhancements and technological interventions.

Design, as a tool, should aspire to offer an overspill space that is intended for all people regardless of their socioeconomic background or physical ability. It is also equally important to consider including those who don’t have access to phones or the internet.

In this never ending development process, next time you ride the subway remember you are part of a larger system!

Special thanks to Omar Megawer, Kamal Ezz, Menna Darwish, and Lina Serry for their valuable input.

