Sarah Stanley: Local Bank Remains Dedicated to the Community

Tom Morgan
Telling True Stories: Franklin, NH


by Essence McClain, Ryan Kellogg, John Schimmel

Sarah Stanley is the Community Relations Officer at Franklin Savings Bank and has teamed up with local nonprofits Permacitylife and Mill City Park.

Stanley grew up in Franklin, attended the local Franklin High School, and went college at University of New Hampshire.

Stanley has worked at Franklin Savings Bank for 19 years and she is a passionate advocate for the revitalization efforts in Franklin.

Sarah Stanley in her office, downtown Franklin, NH

“I like to think of this as WHEN it happens, not IF it will happen. I would like to change people’s perceptions of this town.”

The Winnipesaukee River flowing into Downtown Franklin

“To put Franklin on the map, we should be capitalizing on the natural resources that we have, like the whitewater park. Even though it might take time, I think the whitewater park could be a rebirth for the town.”

The CATCH neighborhood housing project

“Another attraction to Franklin will be the CATCH neighborhood housing project, where $12 million is being invested to reconstruct the old Franklin Light and Power Mill into low income housing, all from fundraising. The energy of the mill building being reconstructed is filtering throughout the community and that is very exciting.”

Franklin Saving Bank in an early March snow.



Tom Morgan
Telling True Stories: Franklin, NH

Faculty advisor, Telling True Stories Project, Proctor Academy. Amplifying community-building and revitalization efforts in central NH