AMA10: Should Sex Ed Still Be Focused On Abstinence In 2017?

Yasmeen D leads the discussion with hundreds of millennials

2 min readJul 27, 2017


  1. Abstinence is still the main focus of Sex Ed in schools.

Can we move on already?! So many voices on how our current mode of Sex Ed is broken. Thanks for raising this topic, Yasmeen!

2. Sex Ed isn’t offered in all schools!

Dianne talked about how Sex Ed must be mandated as part of the school curriculum. 137 upvotes on that!

3. This is what you call Sex Education?

Why am I learning what should be in a biology class here?!

4. What did you say?

At the end of that class, I knew more about reproduction than sex really… said Andy.

5. Where’s the Sex Ed for LGBTQ?

McKenna argues there isn’t any education at all for the LGBTQ community and that we must start addressing that. Can’t dispute that!

6. Still so confused after Sex Ed

“I was supposed to know something, but when it came to the moment, I felt like an idiot” — Barry.

7. Wait, what do you mean that’s all?

Who’s supposed to teach us the how-to’s? While some teachers do a better job than others, this is still a problem.

8. Safety != Abstinence

If we focused so much on abstinence, when will we talk about safe sex?

9. How early should we talk about sex?

Consensus split on this one. Is 5th grade too early? Seems like it…

10. Perhaps grossing us out is a strategy?

Sheila thinks it’s all part of the strategy for teachers to gross you out in Sex Ed. Perhaps they expect abstinence to sustain longer — Lol!

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