AMA10: Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18?

Kristie got to the bottom of the drinking age debate in her AMA this week on Urban.

Vidya Narayanan
3 min readJul 25, 2017


  1. Many people in the world drink earlier in life!

Many countries have the legal drinking age as 18. It is 21 in the US (in case you were wondering)!

2. Old enough for war but not beer?!

At 18, we vote, join the military, take on student debt and more. But, we aren’t mature enough to enjoy alcohol?! Highly debated point.

3. 60% against lowering the drinking age!

More than 60% of the AMA participants thought that the legal drinking age should not be lowered.

4. Introducing alcohol at home

Michaela was introduced to alcohol at home when she was 18. She felt she learnt how to drink responsibly because of that. Adam countered with a study that showed otherwise.

5. Drinking in Europe!

Anna was an exchange student in Spain and had her first drink at 19! Drinking in Europe came with learning responsibilities.

6. Increasing drinking age to 25?!

Some cities in India increased the drinking age to 25 or even 30, due to increased reports of rape and violence. However, no statistical changes have been reported in rape counts since.

7. Educate to drink responsibly.

Families and colleges need to step up the support and education on substance abuse, including alcohol.

8. Host college parties in safe places

Martha argued that colleges should host parties in safe environments to avoid parties going out of control.

9. Most people hate the taste of alcohol at first!

On average, it takes a dozen times before they start developing a taste for it!

10. Fun fact: Aiden is 24 and has never had alcohol so far!!

He’s happy drinking water instead!

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Vidya Narayanan

Building Rizzle (, the future of video creation! In past life (@Google, @Qualcomm), I built stuff that you’ve likely used!