AMA10: Transgender People Are The Latest Of Trump’s Victims!

Trump banned transgender people from the military. Sign the petition now!

McKenna Palmer
2 min readJul 29, 2017


  1. Sad, sad day for the country

We think we hit rock bottom. And then we realize there’s more room down there. The President of the United States yet again proves he’s capable of sh*t we couldn’t even imagine!

2. 1000s of trans people serve in the military so far!

In 2014 UCLA reported that there were roughly 15,500 transgender individuals who were serving in active duty, reserves, or in the national guard.

3. Don’t be a hypocrite!

What’s more hypocritical than Trump banning trans people from the military? Minorities supporting the ban!

4. Did he do this to get support for the wall?!

Trump’s strategy is simple. If you are annoyed with something he did today, just wait until tomorrow!

5. Twitter’s new role in national policy

The trans military ban was announced over Twitter. Nothing is a surprise any longer. This is the new normal — Twitter as an official national policy communication platform! There has been no more information about this ban since the tweet.

6. We spend more on what???

So, we spend 10 times more on Viagra than we do on transgender healthcare costs. AND 5 times more on the Trump family vacations!

7. What could he possibly do next?

Every day, it’s getting harder to anticipate what’s coming next. While it’s seemingly funny, we should be terrified because it could be us next!

8. Should we be impeaching the President?

“The only reason I don’t want Trump impeached? I just can’t deal with Pence!”- Serge

With Pence voting against same-sex marriage in 2015, in favor of conversion therapy to be legally practiced, and in 1999 voting YES on a bill that would ban WOMEN from joining the military, what did we expect?!?

9. When you realize he’s still President…

To lighten things up a bit… if you didn’t have that reaction on election day, well… you should now!

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