Apply Now To Be A Panelist On UrbanAMA Channels (Coming Soon)

Introducing channels in Tech, Media, Sports and more…

Vidya Narayanan
3 min readOct 2, 2017


Coming soon are channels to UrbanAMA. For select channels, we’re currently accepting panelist applications. As a panelist, you’ll interact with world class experts and catalyze discussions with key points. Apply now!

The top channels being introduced are:


The UrbanTech channel will feature AMAs from industry experts across the world. Greg Rose, a world renowned cryptographer and security expert, kicks off the Tech series on 10/03/17, following which we have an amazing line up of experts from Google, Facebook, Snap, Coca-Cola, venture capitalists, professors and others!


The focus of UrbanMedia is to enable you to speak truth to power and bring the future of media to you now! As part of this, we bring a “Future of Media” series featuring experts from Disney, The Associated Press, Forbes, Buzzfeed and many others.


Sports is already a deeply discussed topic on UrbanAMA. We’re solidifying this with the UrbanSports channel being brought to you in conjunction with The Players’ Tribune and others to be announced shortly.

To request AMAs from your favorite athlete, expert or anyone else, just add a request on the app or tweet with #urbanamaRequest and include their Twitter id!


AMAs from the Deans and Admissions Offices of Top 100 US Universities as well as select international universities will connect aspiring high school students with key faculty members early on the UrbanCampus channel. In parallel, students will share their campus experiences, providing a window into future life of high schoolers.


The first series in the UrbanSocial channel has already started — the Diversity Series. After my kickoff talking about what diversity means to everyone, Eleanor Beaton had an amazing take on women and leadership. Next up are Navrina Singh on 10/05/17 and Keval Desai on 10/12/17.

Book Club

The UrbanBookClub, sponsored by Harper Collins, comes to life soon with a weekly meet-an-author agenda. We’ve had amazing AMAs from Harper Collins authors already. If you haven’t been following them, Prof. Allan Lichtman, the author of The Case For Impeachment hosts a biweekly Impeachment Series on UrbanAMA. Watch his Impeachment 101 and Conflicts Of Interest AMAs here if you missed them earlier. Also, Dr. Allen Frances on Trump’s mental health and Dr. Sean McFate on the US Foreign Policy were amazing Harper Collins AMAs!

We’ve also had other authors on UrbanAMA and the book club channel will be open to non Harper Collins authors as well.

Here’s a sneak peek to the app overhaul that’s coming to highlight channels:

Space is limited and qualified applicants will be chosen on a first come first serve basis. So, apply now to be on a panel!

Especially for students and recent grads, this is your unique opportunity to interact with experts around the world — I want to hear from you!



Vidya Narayanan

Building Rizzle (, the future of video creation! In past life (@Google, @Qualcomm), I built stuff that you’ve likely used!