Ask. Listen. Speak Truth To Power.

So we can be the country you want.

Vidya Narayanan
2 min readAug 22, 2017


Partisan animosity is at an all-time high.

Pew Research On Partisanship And Political Animosity

Faith in media is at an all-time low.

Gallup Poll On American Trust In Mass Media

Both these phenomena are direct results of echo chambers that prevent getting to know the other side and an overload of information that makes it impossible to retrieve any signal from noise.

We live in an era where we talk less and less and swipe more and more. But, unless we talk, we will cease to be the country we are all proud of.

We must ask our questions. Of each other. Of elected officials. Of candidates and nominees.

We must listen. To those who share our viewpoints. To those who don’t. To those whom we elected. And to those whom we will elect.

We must speak truth to power to protect and preserve our country as the leader of the free world.

We’re bringing an Ask Your Official series of AMAs to UrbanAMA to facilitate exchange of sentiments between you and elected officials and nominees.

Stay tuned for updates at Coming soon are AMAs from political candidates, influencers and citizens like yourselves.

Got a topic you care about? Want to tell others why you would vote for a particular candidate? Host an AMA today!

Please spread the word about the Ask Your Official UrbanAMA series so that more of us can interact frequently and directly with our officials.

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Vidya Narayanan

Building Rizzle (, the future of video creation! In past life (@Google, @Qualcomm), I built stuff that you’ve likely used!