Top 10 Fears Students Have About College. And How You Can Help.

Join us in building the Urban Campus community. Grow big with us and build a community you’ll forever be proud of!

Vidya Narayanan
2 min readJan 4, 2018


We asked 3000+ students about their worst fears of college. What we heard inspired us to bring Urban Campus.

Urban Campus provides a unique opportunity for students to interact with professors, Deans, admissions offices, club leaders, Greek house members, minority students and many more.

We’re looking for you — the compulsive people person obsessed with building communities — to take this community to massive scale!

Here are the top 10 fears students wrote about college.

#10. Starting a new life with no one I know.

#9. Not being able to positively impact the world.

#8. Losing my SO, not being able to make long distance relationships work.

#7. Meeting the wrong people who get me in trouble.

#6. Not being able to maintain good grades.

#5. Making new friends.

#4. Picking the right college.

#3. Being accepted for who I am.

#2. College fees and debt.

#1. Choosing the right major.

Parts of this list haven’t changed in decades. Yet, some others are new and surprising. We brought Urban Campus to enable direct interactions among those on campuses as well as with prospective students who have college on their minds.

We’ve had some amazing AMAs from Deans and professors from top schools already. Check it out at

It’s time to scale this to 100s of AMAs per campus and 100s of campuses. We’re looking for energetic community managers who will passionately bring scale to Urban Campus.

Join us — work hard, have fun and become a millionaire as UrbanAMA becomes the video platform of future!



Vidya Narayanan

Building Rizzle (, the future of video creation! In past life (@Google, @Qualcomm), I built stuff that you’ve likely used!