‘Haters’ of negativity are welcome here!

Nai Sandura
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2017

But first we don’t hate, we only dislike and move on to what we like, scratch that, what we LOVE!

Sometimes life is just not great!

Even though I know that my life is not perfect, there is no need to start amplifying the problem, why should I make decision based on negativity.

This is one reason I can’t be in love with politicians, they are good at sowing seeds of negativity, call me ignorant or whatever you like, but when you start telling me how my life sucks, you are loosing me.

I am not fond of too much positiveness either. When I say positivity I don’t mean I enjoy being lied to just to make me feel better.

I am saying I know my situation lets move on to solutions, real solutions, solutions based on progress. Don’t shady the past just because we had a few bumps, I mean we had a great time too. Why are we not focusing on that?

Why does it have to be black or white? When life in its true form is not perfect!

Negativity is a drainer for me. How do some people live most of their lives in a sea of negativity? It drowns me. I stop functioning when it starts to creep around.

I don’t love negativity and I wont stand around people that use it as propaganda. I believe positivity has the power to make our situation better and leave us with a lot of energy.

News these days is becoming so depressing, wars and all the negative propaganda going around.

The problem with humanity is that we know how to manipulate each others emotions to gain something. We all do it! This is when others focus on inciting!

Lets be more positive when dealing with situations in life. I am not asking you to be naive and believe all things roses, no. I just hope instead of amplifying disaster and spelling self fulfilling destruction prophecies, we could do better.

Instead of continuing to put pressure on a bleeding heart, we could at least try to heal it.

I don’t let positiveness blind me to the real matter at hand, but I don’t let negativeness be the fall of a great future, it can’t be part of the decision! We go into the future for what it is, not because we are running away from the past.

Positive decision making allows you to see the good ahead instead of worrying about the bad behind!

Now when your local politician tells you how bad the other is, ask them, “what good are you?”

