Living life as slow as possible

Nai Sandura
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2017
Yeah, right. Coz I’m happy!

How do you live in a moment? Be slow with it.

First of all I want to confess (thats right!). Most of my life, I have been the a live fast, go reckless kind of a person, but I hate it now.

A live fast, go reckless life is the kind of life most people on earth have been deceived with. Its the kind of life teens worship and if you live that life you are the hero.

As for me, I wasn't much of a hero, or the king of that life, but I pretty much rocked it. Until I asked myself, ‘what am I doing?’

Most of our lives we have been sold a kind of lifestyle we don’t even want. As a human being you were actually created to be more meaningful than all the other creatures. You are supposed to live a life with a meaning, with a purpose and actually enjoy it.

You are supposed to be given a chance to choose who you want to be and be that. But this world has denied us a chance at that. This world has told us who to be and what to do all our lives.

People have been placed everywhere to deny us a right to be.

The day you enter this world you are supposed to cry. That’s what is normal. If you don’t you might get a beating even if you are a few seconds old.

After that a name is chosen for you, your environment, the school you go to…pretty much everything.

…and when you are grown enough to think and choose for yourself, welcome peer pressure.

At the end of it all you forget to be you. You forget to please you. We are all in this artificial race to be the first. This is when you share posts about songs you actually hate, because that’s what is ‘cool’.

We seek validation more than we actually should. Who can blame us when its all we have known our lives. Our lives have been built around people, with people, for people. You dress to look nice and feel uncomfortable, for people. The same people who are going to talk about how much they hate the color of your shoes?

Its not just fashion, its much more than this. Its all the adverts that tell us our lives aren’t cool enough because we don’t have an iPhone, its the social media that puts likes on top of our lists, its the movies that tell us you cant be a virgin at 25, that sex is better at wild college dormitory parties.

Choices have been taken away from us slowly. We fell into a trap without even knowing.

If you want to be sure, you are doing what you actually love and being you, ask yourself ‘why am I doing this?’ Right now stop everything that’s telling you this is a cliche and just do it. Be honest with yourself. Are you really doing this for you.

I believe there is nothing wrong with doing any of the above (having likes on top of your list, sex at a dorm party), the problem is when people think its the only way to live and doing it the other way is a boring life. As long as you do it because that’s what you want to do not because society has tricked you.

Because when you let it up to society, you are going to sit down one day and regret your choices, because they weren’t yours in the first place.

Breath in life to your soul! If you are a crazy person, like weird fun crazy, rock that craziness (and can we be friends?), because you are never going to feel alive until you do you.

Living as slow as possible is just living an honest, true to self life. The problem most of us do is change to fit in, no, don’t even try that ‘stand out’ cliche, if this batch of people is not your kind of people being you will attract the kind that fits you.

Clear your heard of that artificial race we have been tricked into, slow down and start walking. You need to feel this journey of life, there is a reason tourists have to get off the plane, take a cab and visit sites on foot.

You are a tourist in this life and the best damn thing you can do for yourself is to enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts.

PS: Writing is something I love, but I know I am not yet there. If you want to get in touch with me for anything (except spam) my email is sbatanai[at]

