Thank you!

Erika Porco
Urban Policy at Munk (2021)
2 min readMar 4, 2021
Photo by Paulo Silva on Unsplash

Six weeks went by quickly! Last week, our class had the incredible opportunity to present our preliminary findings to the Shift team. It was amazing to be able to share our ideas with professionals across seas and receive such positive and productive feedback. I have really enjoyed gaining a better understanding of the right to adequate housing by grounding it in policy implementation at the local level. Additionally, each group presentation was insightful and taught me more about the housing context in Toronto, Yellowknife, and Victoria.

Overall, this course was an excellent final send off for me in my last semester at Munk! After all mandatory courses last year, this was the perfect way for me to focus back on issues I am passionate about. So, thank you! Not only did I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into designing the course but, I think all classes should incorporate this mixed model of theory and practical experience, especially in a virtual setting! The course format kept me engaged each week and never dreading the four hours of class on Tuesdays.

Looking back, this course has stretched my understanding of urban policy from the sphere of local government into the larger policy landscape. Now, when I think of urban policy, I think more about the roles and responsibilities each level of government has or the interests they have at the local level. My new understanding of urban policy is grounded in intergovernmental coordination and collaboration. The opportunity to meet alumni working across government levels on urban policy issues only solidified my understanding. In addition, hearing about the different departments and divisions opened my eyes to the various avenues and topics that are available to explore. I look forward to a future as an urban policy professional and never again will I be able to say, “municipalities are creatures of the province” or “all policies are urban policies” without hearing Gabe’s voice in my head.

Thank you! Now… back to working on the final report.



Erika Porco
Urban Policy at Munk (2021)

Master of Public Policy Candidate, 2021, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy