How to choose the right design agency for your startup?

arana web
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2018

Knowing you have a startup of your own and you need to hire a design agency for your company, what would it be? How would it be?

We, as a Branding company are here to help you choose the right design agency for your company and let you know the things you need to do on your end.

We are putting this up in the question- answer format for you to understand the terminology better.

What kind of deliverables do you expect? What are your goals for the project?

Everyone you’ll talk to has different specialties, and it’s important to find an agency or freelancer that specializes in the kind of work you need.

Brand and visual identity

  • Do you need a logo? Are you looking for a complete brand transformation? Do you need a complete visual identity?

Marketing and communications

  • Do you need help with the content strategies and content marketing?
  • Do you need help with your social media strategy? Do you need support over time to execute that strategy?
  • What about advertising, email campaigns, product introduction videos, analytics, or marketing insights or ranks?
  • Do you plan to build a marketing department of your own or outsource someone?

Product idealization and user experience

  • Do you know the actual work of your brand?
  • Do you need help designing and testing your product?
  • Do you need a polished, sophisticated product at this stage?


How fast is your business growing? Is your primary focus to continue feeding and accelerating growth?


Where is your company headed?

Are you offering a specialized product that’s aiming for a specific result?

Or are you defining a new business model, paving the way as you go?

Now, I am putting up a scenario for industries and design companies of all walks together for a better understanding.

Big agency scenario

My company is focused on a clear target (known trajectory) and we need to move quickly (high velocity). We can’t afford to make mistakes (low maneuverability). We need an experienced team that offers a range of high-caliber services. We need a big design agency.

Small agency scenario

My company is growing rapidly due to unexpected demand (high velocity), but we’re not quite sure where the plateau is (unknown trajectory), or how our focus may change along the way (high maneuverability). We need a team that can paint this plane while it’s flying. We need a small agency.

Freelancer scenario

My company is just starting out. We have a really great idea, but the target isn’t entirely clear (unknown trajectory). There’s not a tremendous amount of urgency or competitive pressure (low velocity). We need a partner who can help us explore and experiment with limited cost and uncertain expectations (high maneuverability). We need a freelancer.

(What’s the difference between a small and large agency? A small agency is generally fewer than 20 people — a few seasoned specialist leads being supported by more generalist or junior staff. Small agencies tend to create ad hoc teams by assigning individuals to your project; large agencies have existing teams they can put to work.)

Hopefully this framework will help you find a provider who can not only give you what you need, but work closely within your company’s unique situation.

