59 blogs later , 59 times wiser

Christopher Martens
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2016

We are glad to use the opportunity and share with you today our blogging experience. 7 bloggers. 7 stories.

Cristobal Bozdogan, France

I’ve always enjoyed reading blogs. But until a few months ago I never tried blogging on a regular basis. Being an editor and writer on Urbes has been an amazing experience. I’ve been surrounded by colleagues that are passionate and energetic. Together we have poured our hearts, sweat and tears into this blog. We learned how to create and reach out to our audience. We learned about such varied topics like green roofs, robot kitchens, Iot, and matatus in Nairobi. Each of our 59 posts made us think, made us debate, and made us write.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

-Maya Angelou

I’m proud of being part of a such a great team. And I want to thank you, dear reader, for your interest and your trust in us.

Christopher Martens, Austria

I´m really happy that we have had this great opportunity and started a blog during one of our courses in the masters program. At the beginning I was skeptical how it will work out. 7 guys, 7 different nationalities, 1 blog. How in the world can this be smart? We managed it and I´m really proud to be part of this team. During the last weeks I learned a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses, how to easily communicate complex topics in a group and most of all how to manage our own team. I strongly believe that knowledge is the only thing nobody can take away from you. With writing blogs every week I was able to learn more about a topic I probably wouldn't get in touch with. Don´t study because you need it. Study because knowledge is power. And knowledge is something that can never be taken away from you.

Thibaut Ferreira, Portugal

FSE — Fantastic Smart Experience
- Thibaut Ferreira

In the beginning we were discussing how should we schedule the posting frequency: once per week, once each 15 days, everyday? We wanted to have fun and take advantage of this new and exciting theme, so we went for the last option. But, posting every single day?!? Though right! More than 50 post! However, with the organization of this fantastic team we manage to post every single day, updating our readers with interesting, smart up-to-date content. For me was a great opportunity to develop not only the writing skills on a foreign language but also get the knowledge on new topics that I wouldn’t get otherwise. Gathering all the 7 nationalities and the all the different cultural backgrounds and closing them in a nutshell: that is Ürbes. For smart ideas and smart solutions: smart people!

Gioia Trento, Italy

Some months ago me and the other 6 writers of Ürbes were suggested to start this blog. I thought I would have been only an heavy task to perform. I was wrong. I discover a strong interest in blogging, it’s cool, relaxing and also a smart way to inform and be informed. What I didn’t expect at all is how much 7 friends can make a blog powerful while at the same time the blog makes the same 7 writers feel more unite, strong…a real team! Ürbes is both a goal itself and a tool to reach other goals, it openes the door to several occasions, it gave me the possibility to talk with great people, to tell a story. My team and I we are not professional bloggers, for sure we have made mistakes: from strategical ones to banal typos, however we try SM(H)AR(D)T to tell you great stories

I am glad to be a Ürbers!

Lamis Jawhari, Lebanon

When first assigned this blog assignment — I was concerned not only with how time consuming it would be, but how seven different writers, with seven different voices, could come together to create one blog. Three months down the line and I am blown away by how much this assignment did for our group and me as an individual. Under the direction of our two task managers, I was assigned topics where I had to share current events related to Smart Cities along with my opinions, while engaging the audience. This was a challenge, as I am an unexperienced blogger. Having access to six other blogging techniques and inputs, was a great learning opportunity for our entire team. We have also developed strong work ethic and a similar voice and approach to Smart Cities and our blog, in general. Mostly — I have learnt information is everywhere, but its how information is transmitted that is a game-changer. Would people actually read about the latest news on social media platforms, especially blogs? I used to think this was a definite no — but after ürbes I am confident that such platforms have proven to been a go-to news source for a large number of people.

“Content is king, but distribution is queen and she wears the pants.” — Jonathan Perelman

Rapeephan Phienphantawanich, Thailand

At first, I did not vote to do the blog post about smart city.

Why? Because I did not feel related to the topic. I come from Thailand where smart city is still a dream and we do not even close to be called by that name. Unlike virtual reality or AI that individual is able to associate and enjoy the advance of the technology and the interaction pretty much arises from business and personal interest rather than from the city. To me, smart city is top-down approach and is hard to successfully accomplished.

Time passes by, 8 blogposts during 2 months, I started to be in love with smart city. Not because of the advance of the technology in the smart city, but the way that people try to use technology to fit to their city.

Chase Wrenn, United States

Experience in progress.

