Plugging into Industry Power at SGA’s Natural Gas Connect

Urbint | Engineering
2 min readJul 12, 2019

By Ruby Maa

Come chat with me (left) about how artificial intelligence (AI) can help gas operators maximize risk reduction at the Urbint booth (#807) during Southern Gas Association’s Natural Gas Connect Conference in San Antonio from July 15, 2019 to July 17, 2019.

In the last few months, Urbint has analyzed how states perform against damage prevention metrics, discussed how AI can be used to predict disasters to improve resiliency, and helped gas operators manage their operational risk.

I am looking forward to continuing these conversations with folks in person at SGA’s Natural Gas Connect, a conference to connect people, ideas, and information in the natural gas industry.

I’m especially excited to see SGA increase the number of roundtable sessions by 68% — from 19 the previous year to 32. Topics like “Dispatch & Field Resource Planning” and “Resource Forecasting & Planning” will be great opportunities to learn about the tools companies use to forecast and allocate resources. At Urbint, we have seen these processes become increasingly difficult as weather becomes more extreme and more of the industry’s workforce retires.

Another interesting event will be “Data Analytics and Reporting: Transforming Data Into Actionable Intelligence.” Whether or not data is the new oil is still up for debate, it’s clear the industries responsible for producing oil (gas companies included) are increasingly adopting new technology to help track operations, improve workflow and business processes — all in an effort to maintain the foundations of power.

These questions and topics are highly relevant to my day-to-day. As a deployment strategist at Urbint, I focus on understanding how gas operators can leverage AI to make more objective and smarter tradeoffs between public safety, reliability, and affordability.

Urbint’s Head of Product, Benjamin Berry, demonstrating the benefits of using Urbint’s AI solutions to support decision making.

Stop by our booth for some summer essentials — including sunglasses and water — to prepare you for that famous San Antonio sun, and learn how Urbint enables gas operators to make communities safer and more resilient.

Ruby Maa is a Deployment Strategist at Urbint. Ruby holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She previously worked in the healthcare technology industry and separately worked as a consultant to help large companies through their data strategy and digital transformation process.

