Emptying My Pocket

Jeff Birkeland
Urgent Musings
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1 min readFeb 24, 2016

Here are a few interesting reads that are stacked up in Pocket for me — so I decided to share in bulk. Its sharing, Costco style. Enjoy.

Look at those pockets

Why YouTube networks are no longer hot. Are they glorified YouTube ad networks or something more?

Why We Don’t Surf the Web Anymore ­And Why That Matters. Facebook or more specifially — Apps, Push Notifications and Messaging are how we consume. Is this ok for the open Web?

HuffPost Divorce: Publishers go niche with Facebook pages. If Facebook is a major source of traffic, you are going to want to channelize within that playing field to match nice with its audience.

Tim Cook Q&A. Just a really good interview.

Until next time.




Jeff Birkeland
Urgent Musings

Product guy. Publishing @ LinkedIn. Drinks coffee often. Husband, Dad, SF Giants fan.