A Trip Up North

Urmindace Stories
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2016

Being able to travel and get to see new places is a thrilling and exciting way to enjoy life. There are many of us who wish to travel but always have some excuse for which we are unable to do so. There are many things that can impede us from not being able to visit new places and that is very understandable. Although work and money might not allow all of us to be able to seek adventure I truly believe that each and every one of us can find a way. Even if it’s a small trip to a different part of where you live, that tiny step will lead you to great things. The thrill that comes from packing up your bags and looking for something new is beyond imaginable. I jump at the thought of getting my suitcase ready for my next adventure.

As many of you know, I have been able to travel a lot in the past couple of years and I have loved it! There are however many other places that I would love to visit. For now I am content with exploring all the states in my country, this is my first step to one day traveling to other countries as well. I have been lucky enough to get to visit many southern states and some northern states here in the US, but I had never been up North to where many of the National Parks are located. So when my older brother asked me if I would go with him I didn’t think twice about it. On this trip I have collected an assortment of pictures that I have not taken on my past trips.

I decided to do something a little different to make things more fun for me on this road trip. The drive up to Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota will be really long so buckle your seat belts and enjoy the trip! What follows is a collection of pictures I took of signs, posters, and billboards that I found weird, funny, or that I wouldn’t normally see where I am from.

This was taken on my first stop in Colorado and I hope that the double sign has worked for them.
This was warning appears all around the US especially around the holidays when most people travel.
Seems like Colorado would really like to have its visitors and residents keep the bathrooms clean.
In Wyoming you will see things that will blow your mind! This of course was a cute take on the old west days.
This was take at the Terry Bison Ranch in Wyoming. There were a ton of chickens inside.
One the reasons why I stayed away from petting the camels at the ranch!
One could go on horseback rides around the ranch and this was a sign that you should read if you wanted to do that.
I loved the nostalgia that was all over Wyoming. This state was one of the old west states and the cowboys are still a big part of it now.
This was something I wasn’t used to seeing. There are a lot of land fires due to high winds in the northern states.
This was from rest stop in Wyoming. That was a first for me since I didn’t even know restrooms like that existed.
Looks like Wyoming would also like to stress the importance of a clean restroom.
At the second hotel we stayed at once we arrived in South Dakota. I was very tempted to run down the hall way after reading this.
This was taken at Mount Rushmore and it seems as if South Dakota kept tempting me to break their rules.
At the Badlands National Park. It was a little disappointing I didn’t get to see one.
This was taken on our way back and I sure wish coffee was still that cheap!
I thought it was so much fun to get to drive through this city since I loved the show and movie!

This was a little different than what I usually post about when I go on trips but again I just wanted to do something a bit weird and different. It would be great to hear about signs or billboards that you have found different or fun on trips. I for one really enjoyed traveling up north with my brother and getting to see a different part of my country. I also took a variety of amazing pictures from all the parks I visited and the beautiful cities I stayed at so keep an eye out for a post dedicated to that!

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