Christmas Already

Urmindace Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2016

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Weather we are ready for it or not people are already getting ready for Christmas. Personally I don’t understand why everyone is in a rush to get to the holiday since well Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet. It seems that every year more and more people are just rushing to get to Christmas. Stores all over the US have had Christmas things out since before Halloween!

I for one think we should give each holiday its chance, and no I’m not just saying this because I’m a Christmas Scrooge. Yes, I absolutely love Halloween and would take that holiday over Christmas any time. Yet, what I’m attempting to get across is that here in the US people seem to over react when it comes to this holiday. For one stores have already begun their sales, you can buy decorations as early as October, and some have even put up lights and trees already!

For me all of that stuff isn’t as bad as those who have already begun to shop. So much money goes into this holiday that many are so deep in debt after the holidays. The thought that was once out into gifts is no longer valid. People go all out on the type of shopping that they do. Even if you don’t spend as much as others do it can get difficult to shop for everyone on your list.

Especially if you have a big family like I do. I have eight people that I buy gifts for just in my immediate family. Not to mention cousins or aunts and uncles that I like to get something for as well. Then I also like to get something small for my friends and coworkers. So all in all I end up buying gifts for a lot of people. I don’t spend a lot on each person but with so many of them the money does add up. So it does get expensive to shop for everyone on your list. That truly doesn’t bother me but what does is that we have lost the true meaning of Christmas. Which for me was the thought and care that went into gifting. Most people nowadays want the most expensive and popular gadgets. They rarely are okay with a gift that took time and creativity to make.

Of course this can’t be said for every single person out there. I am sure there are many out there who still take joy in gifting. So that is why this year our family will be doing something different. We have decided to do a Secret Santa. We will set an amount, and write down a few things we like or enjoy to make it easier on each as to what to get. That way we will give more thought into getting a gift and we won’t spend a lot on buying something for everyone. We will each exchange our gifts on Christmas and find out who got who.

I for one am very excited about his because now I won’t have to shop for so many people! I am looking forward to see how it turns out. I’m also looking forward to all the food we get to eat but that’s a different story. I hope that this Christmas people attempt to remember that not all good things come in gifts. They come from the time you spend with your family, from the laughter you share with them, from the food you get to eat with them, and from the many hugs and kisses you get from them as well.

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