Different Celebrations

Urmindace Stories
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018
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There are many who consider Valentine’s Day to be a holiday created and promoted by companies in order to sell more to consumers. It is true that there is an abundance of sells when it comes to this “Hallmark Holiday.” Whether it’s by a customer simply buying a card or purchasing jewelry, the profits gained by companies is high. It’s no longer just a holiday for couples, significant others, or spouses. This holiday has evolved to include friends, siblings, parents, and other family members. There are a variety of candies, chocolates, cards, and trinkets that are bought to give out to those you care about during this holiday. Let’s not also forget the adorable Valentine’s cards that kids will hand out at schools.

Handing out those cards is a vivid memory I have form going to elementary school. It was so much fun to get to make a cute mailbox, or decorate a paper sack so that we could drop Valentine’s cards into them during our parties. Over the years though things have changed in regards to parties and how holidays are celebrated. Valentine’s Day, aloft with other holidays, is being observed differently. Schools around the country have an understanding that not all students can partake in festivities. So, changes have been made to accommodate those students. There is a classroom set aside for those students that for whatever reason don’t celebrate certain holidays can hang out and do other activities. That way those that can be in the classroom parties are able to enjoy the celebrations. So, it’s a compromise where every student gets to be at school and still enjoy what they can or can’t.

This year however, at the school where I work at, Valentine’s Day was a lot different for students. Instead of the traditional food and snack parties with cards, our school decided to do community projects. Each grade partnered up with another grade and chose something that they wanted to do around our community. My favorite was how two of our grades decided to make cards to a local animal shelter. They wanted to make it look pretty and nice so that more animals could get adopted. I personally loved how our school decided to do this than to go with traditional party celebrations. Many teachers still had their students hand out Valentine’s cards and others even had small parties.

So in a way tradition was kept but with a new take on this holiday. We were aiming to spread the love and to teacher our students to show concern and care for our community. Many will have different opinions as to why we are straying away form the usual way of celebrating all holidays, they won’t accept it or understand it. Yet, our students showed a great interest in doing something different and craved to help out our community. I for one loved the idea of having all students participate in a holiday that involved giving back.

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