Go for it and don’t regret it

Urmindace Stories
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2016

“What? Right now?” is one of my most usual thoughts in any daily activity. Not because I am lazy or feel like I can’t, but because I am someone who prefers to have things planned and that such things don’t change suddenly.

Of course it is not something you can control, and it will always happen. But I used to feel like that with any kind of situation. If a friend changed plans and told me to go right now because at the planned time he/she wasn’t going to be able to meet up with me, I’d totally freak out and probably cancel. If someone told me I had to go and ask for a legal document as soon as possible, I would suffer of more anxiety.

Although this sort of behaviour is normal, at least to my eyes, it’s important to recognise that life is that way. And yes, planning things is important and we don’t have to stop doing it, but that doesn’t mean we’re not open and willing to do something that just came up. Whether it’s a work deal or just hanging out with a friend, I say “go for it” (of course contemplating some stuff). I gotta say that many of the best experiences in my life have been those that I didn’t expect at all, and that weren’t planned, I just accepted them and had the time of my life.

Be organised, plan ahead, but also live the moment. It’s worth it and I guess it’s better than regretting later.

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We are Chevy, Sole, Stef and Susan.

