Goodbye to Summer

Urmindace Stories
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2016
The Sky in Illinois

Just a couple of weeks ago parents were rushing to shops to buy school supplies, clothes, and shoes for their kids. Now schools are back in session and it seems like the days of summer are coming to a close. With the mayhem of back to school shopping and the first rings of school bells it seems as though we should be prepared for the coming Fall season. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the Fall weather and even more so for the holidays that it brings. Yet, I can’t help but feel sad that the hot days of summer are truly coming to an end.

I had an amazing summer with my family and I already can’t wait for the next one. I am going to miss the heat, the pool, the warm nights, and most of all the sun. It could seem as though I am being a bit over dramatic, but it’s just because I’m a summer soul all the way. I cherish the hot days, night walks, traveling, going to the pool, and most of all spending time with my family.

Our city’s library

I don’t have to work during the summers since I work for a school district, so I had plenty of time to do pretty much anything. I babysat my sister and we had fun planing each day. One of our favorite things to do was go to the pool. Sitting under the sun and dipping my feet in the pool was a great way to start my morning. Another thing we really liked was going to the library. At least once a week we got to explore our city’s library and come home with a new stack of books. Spending time with my sister was fun but to be honest I am glad she is going back to school. Too much time with a sibling isn’t always good. Aside from getting on each other’s nerves ever now and than we had an amazing time together.

My baby sister at the pool!

Traveling was one of the most exciting things this summer. Going to Chicago with my sister was an adventure of a life time. It was our first time going to summer together and we had a great time. We went camping and all though I have vowed to never go again I did have fun. The best part for me was the campfire nights. Being around the moonlight and telling scary stories with my family was a summer highlight.

I know I am going to miss everything I did during the summer. We still have a few weeks left her in the states before the official first day of Fall. So I’m trying to enjoy it as much as possible. I am looking forward to the changing of the colors and of course Halloween. So each day that I go to work and feel the chill in the air I try to smile because I know that soon it will be summer again.

