Let’s Learn More

Urmindace Stories
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2018
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In school we are taught about historical and famous people that have contributed to our country in one way or another. We learn about all the Founding Fathers, presidents, scientists, every individual who has invented something or contributed something. The amount of individuals that students learn about is immense. There are a variety of projects that are done in schools all around the country. They range from dressing up as historical figures to writing papers about them. These projects and activities really help students learn and find out interesting facts about those that played a major part in in the world.

I myself remember doing so many of these projects. I learned about Benjamin Franklin by doing a science experiment, I wrote about Franklin D. Roosevelt, I dressed up as Julius Cesar, and learned so much more. Now, as a grown up, I’ve begun to learn about more historial figures. I’ve read so much about Dr. Shirley Jackson, Maggie Walker, Dr. Walter McAfee, and Eartha Kitt. These individuals accomplished so much but were never introduced to me in school. They are African Americans who I never read anything about. I do remember learning about Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, and Martin Luther King Jr., but the amount of Black inventors, activists, scientists, or writers that were introduced to me in school is very small.

After reading the book “Hidden Figures” I realized that there were so many people of color that had made history and incredible discovers that I had never even heard of. I began to research these amazing people and educate myself of the lost history of these individuals that accomplished so much. I have had a difficult time trying to understand how so much hidden history was out there. I feel robbed in a way because we learn so little about the few African Americans we are taught in school. I feel even more upset that there are so many we never knew about. That of course won’t stop me from continuing to learn more about those I have come across, or from looking to see what other historical Black figures I didn’t know about.

I have found that these people have had to do so much more to have their recognition be noted and I find that unfair and sad at the same time. I hope that more of us will be willing to learn outside of what is taught at school, so that we learn about all the amazing people who have contributed to this country and our world. I’ve been researching a lot online and one individual will lead me to another. I’ve complied a long list of these people that I want to one day teach to my own class. I hope that by the time I become a teacher my students will be as excited as I am to learn about these amazing African American figures.

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