Still Seeking

Urmindace Stories
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2017
Picture of the glasses I wore for the Eclipse

I could never get enough information growing up about the night sky. Everything that involved the sun, stars, moon, and how our days functioned was a bewilderment. As a student I couldn’t get info from what my teachers were teaching me. I had to know more so of course I found books in the library worth my while. I devoured books and movies about such things. I loved finding out all the faces of the moon, how far away stars really were, and how how our Sun was.

As I grew older I was limited on what I learned in school. I had to keep seeking out additional facts on my own. College was a great place to actually take clases dedicated to the Earth and it’s wonders. I absolutely loved my Astronomy class and even took a lab. I was always looking for more details about shooting stars, the Northern Lights, eclipses, and so much more. As an adult my affinity seemed to dwindle. Naturally the daily routine in life slowed my eagerness to learn about the stars. Yet, with the recent event that took place on Monday, my love of our plantes returned.

I felt extremely happy to know that my country would be experiencing Solar Eclipse. My city was really close to one of the points of totality. To know that I would be able to witness a scientific event like that truly made me grin form ear to ear. I would be able to see the eclipse with the students at the elementary school where I work. All those eager minds would be there with me basking in this special day.

So on that day, August 21st, our whole school went outside with our safety and NASA approved glasses to begin the show. We were able to go out for the whole duration of the eclipse. Teachers had activities ready for students to take down their scientific notes. For me, seeing the eclipse surrounded by young minds wanting to learn, was something magical. All my years of wanting to grasp the knowledge of how the planets interacted and how it affected earth, came back to me. When the first part of the eclipse was noticeable I realized that my love for the mysteries of our planets had been dormant for too long.

Just looking up at how such extraordinary things can occur was enough for my mind to explode with questions. Questions that I will be seeking out once more. This eclipse was beyond amazing and I felt very lucky to have been able to see it. I know the students and all the staff who were present enjoyed the event. It truly was a scientific wonder to behold.

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