To Be Or Not To Be Organic

Urmindace Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017
I tired these tortilla chips and they are really good.

Nutrition is defined as the way to give and get the food necessary to our bodies in order to be healthy and grow. One used to think that this was obtained simply by eating vegetables and fruits. That in order to be healthy one had to make sure to be exercising and including some greens in meals. The news itself did a great job of advertising on what one needed to eat to stay healthy.

Weather it was your daily morning news, evening, or night, they always seemed to have a segment on what vegetables you needed to eat to not get certain diseases. They expressed the importance of “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” The dire need to make sure One was eating the right foods to avoid getting the flu or lower the risk of cancer was a routine in the news. They had doctors and health specialist on many of these segments that would walk one through what to include in every diet. These health specialist would recommend the best diet books, healthiest restaurants, or the bets grocers for the best produce.

This of course has seemed to become somewhat difficult over the years. The news now reflects more on a couple of things; one being that many of our healthy foods are no longer safe, and the other that organic is the new healthy. Let’s begin with the scare of how our foods have become a danger to eat.

Over the years the outbreaks in E. Coli have increased. There are more hormones and chemicals being added to our foods that they can no longer be safe to eat. The greens that were once a must for our diets could possibly be the ones harming us. The coverage regarding this hysteria are made very evident by the news. There is always some new news article about what has E. Coli now or what food has been recalled. It seems as though not much is safe from the dangers of what is added to foods to make them bigger and last longer. Many have died over the years from eating foods tainted by E Coli.

With this frenzy of what foods are no longer safe, many have turned to organic eating to stay healthy. Every news outlet now has a craze for the organic.. It’s the new best way to go when it comes to eating and staying healthy. Most grocery stores have come to this realization so they have expanded their organic supplies. It used to be that you could only shop for the new healthy eating at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or Sprouts. The food market has seen a grow in organic buying and they have adjusted. One can even shop organic Walmart and Target now.

My best choice for getting organic is Target. Their Simply Balanced organic brand is both delicious and reasonably priced. You can get anything from chips to juice to gummy candy. Being able to buy affordable organic food has enabled many to stay fit and healthy in this ever changing society. Many see this as a fashion trend to follow and stay up to date with. The news certainly does its job in portraying how eating organic is better and healthier. One can see or read on the news how much more healthier it is to go organic. It’s made simple and accessible now. There is a lot of coverage out there letting one know all the perks and the ups ,and if any, downs of going organic. All one has to do is see what’s out there and make a choice to become more healthy.

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