We need to see the value on This Is Us’ season finale.

Urmindace Stories
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2017
Image property of NBC.

I have already expressed my love for the new hit series from NBC, which since the launch of its trailer attracted me and millions of other fans around the world.

At the very beginning, This Is Us set the bar really high on what the series was about and its storytelling quality. Sure, it’s nothing our of the ordinary, but that’s what makes it special, the fact that it is real life in the form of fiction. The writers are not afraid to put the characters in situations that can be seen as too planned to be believed, because that happens in real life and mostly because they take those characters to their correct development.

Spoilers ahead…

By raising such a high bar, and because of the mind games that teasers or promos play with us, I would dare to say that the entire audience was waiting for its season finale to reveal to us how Jack died, and therefore the exact moment in the timeline in which he did.

But we didn’t get that, and I am all fine with it.

Considering this from a storytelling point of view, this is This Is Us’ best kept secret and the one that probably makes most people intrigued. So if they gave it away right now (after the show just got renewed for at least two more seasons), the writers would be left off with an empty spot that is really hard to fill. But more than that, this gave the writers the opportunity to explore his death in a deeper level because of the situation in which they put the beloved couple at. This is a huge challenge for the writers, they can’t ruin the relationship but also they can’t make it seem perfect.

And this is where it gets even more interesting. The fact that the show had already shown us many lows in the relationship, but never one of such intensity and repercussions as this one. This only accentuates the real element of this show, because in real life this is what happens.

So I don’t agree with the complains about the finale, it wasn’t a super intense one like those we are used to from other shows, but this is not like the other shows. This one is special and real and this episode proved it.

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