Dev Blog #2.0 — Before Nitad

Kamin Kolyutsakul
Urnique Studio
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2017

In this Dev Blog series, I will talk about Chula Expo and NITAD17 event which our Designer, James, already introduced to you. If you haven’t read it already, please check it out from this link.

NITAD 17 Logo

Before this event, we had a chance to show our game in some other events, but they weren’t very successful.

In each events, most people would simply… ignore us.

And the main reason for that, is because people who came to see those events were NOT OUR TARGET USERS, which are the students or teenagers.

However, this time, it’s not gonna be the same. WHY?


  1. Chula Expo and NITAD17 are the events mainly for high school and college students. (which, of course, are our main targets)
  2. We will also get a chance to meet the parents of those young kids, which is also a perfect opportunity to give them a new (and better) opinion of how they see games.
  3. It will be the first time ever that Timelie:Omen (Demo) is shown to the public.

After see those 3 reasons, I don’t know why we have to continue hesitating… Let’s do it!

We had a really, really BIG dream…

This event is gonna be hugeeee! Therefore we must make our booth as huge to fit into the whole thing.

During that time, there was a very popular movie called “Now You See Me 2”. There is a scene when the main character Stopped the rain, then made it rise back up into the sky.

Rain scene from Now You See Me 2

Wait a minute…

Our game has a time controlling mechanic, which can stop and reverse time…

What if we take the rain scene from the movie, and shove it into our booth! It must be the best landmark in the whole expo!

That sounds fantastic! It will also show that this is the event of the Engineering department of Chulalongkorn University!

We are killing two… or three, four,five birds with one stone!!


A dream is just a dream…

However you want to think about it, judging from all the circumstances and everything else, it’s NOT possible at all.

So.. let’s get back to the reality.

When focusing on the awesomeness of the booth is no longer possible, we moved our focus to the coolness to the Demo. Our goal was actually to make people feel impressed by our game from the start.

Therefore, by making a regular size booth with a really good game demo, should be enough to make people remember Timelie.

So, our final plan was…

Creating a small booth, showing our demo and team story.

Hmm.. sounds good enough to me.

Okay it’s decided! so, the next step is Creating Timelie:Omen Demo

And we only have 1 month left to finish it…

I will come back to continue the story in the next episode of our Dev Blog series. That’s all for now. :D

