Aurox Takes Steps To Become A Public Company

The Aurox Team
The Aurox Ecosystem
4 min readFeb 1, 2022

Aurox Nation, we told you we had some big news to share. We weren’t kidding. We are proud to announce today that we are exploring pathways to become a publicly-traded company later in 2022.

This step will mean a major new injection of capital, new national marketing campaigns and growth opportunities, and new accountability and transparency standards.

Simply put, going public will allow us to invest in our platform like never before and significantly grow our community of dedicated crypto traders.

Exploration — Going Public

In 2021, we made the commitment to Aurox Nation that we would raise capital and drive growth with a significant national marketing campaign. As part of that capital raising process, we received an incredibly strong response from private investment firms that were willing to invest in our future.

But it’s just not us. Aurox Nation knows what normally happens here: crypto companies sell tokens privately in order to raise the capital they need to grow. Then the private investors dump the tokens in order to lock in their investment. The community is destroyed in the process.

That’s not why we built Aurox. It’s not what we want or who we are.

We are taking a different path, a public path. The public markets can provide everything we need and want: significant liquidity for growth, new accountability and transparency, and — most important — public participation from Aurox Nation.

Several months ago, we signed a leading crypto law firm to present how and when Aurox could go public. They have provided our leadership team with detailed roadmaps for a series of options, including: a SPAC, reverse merger, a spin off, among others. Some advisors have recommended that we try to get listed on the NASDAQ given its historical connection to tech and software companies.

While we cannot announce details just yet, we are in the late stages of finalizing these plans and deciding what’s best for Aurox’s continued growth, investment and expansion.

Aurox To Lead Crypto, Not Follow

This would be a serious and exciting step. Aurox would become one of the first crypto software companies to go public. There have been some crypto mining companies that have taken this step. But virtually no DeFi company like Aurox has gone public.

It would immediately put our leading crypto trading terminal on the radar of investors and traders across the globe — an incredible opportunity for growth and leadership in the crypto space.

Multi-Million Dollar Marketing Campaign

Aurox Nation already knows that our terminal is the most powerful, easiest-to-use crypto trading platform on the market. Now we are ready to tell the world.

With this step, we will lead a multi-million dollar marketing campaign to introduce our all-in-one crypto trading terminal to the mainstream audience. We are only at the beginning of crypto. Think about it: just four years ago, there were only 11 million people worldwide who were actively trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. Today, there are more than 200 million active traders. It is without a doubt one of the fastest growing and growing industries in the world.

Aurox stands ready to be the platform for the next, larger audience of crypto traders.

Massive Untapped Capital and Liquidity

As a publicly-traded company, Aurox would also be able to access capital markets and make new investments into growing our community.

Public markets are extremely liquid — unlike crypto markets . In fact, most institutional investors are restricted from investing in tokens and crypto-based companies.

But investors of all stripes are allowed to invest in publicly-traded companies. By going public, we can unlock their investment and grow.

Accountability Not Seen in Crypto

We created Aurox to develop an all-in-one crypto-trading platform for traders and by traders. All of you know the barriers on other crypto platforms: costly, fragmented information, inflated volumes, and pump-and-dump scams. We saw VCs getting wealthy on pre-sales while the community of traders were left holding the empty bag.

Unlike privately-held companies, Aurox — our information, volumes, stats, and prices — will be regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. That adds a layer of accountability that virtually no other crypto platform can claim.

We are proud of that.

Protecting Aurox Token Holders

We have always put Aurox Nation first. So it’s important for us that we protect the community that has been with us since the beginning. We can say that if Aurox goes public, we will continue that commitment. This step will not impact $URUS token holders and Aurox products will always utilize the Aurox Token as an utility for the platform.

Why Go Public?

Going public allows us to balance two key priorities: giving us the capital we need to invest in and grow our community while continuing to put Aurox Nation first.

With Aurox, we wanted to build something different. We believed that if we did right by crypto traders, they would do right by us. By going public, Aurox doubles down on that core belief. Now we can access major liquidity in the public markets, invest in our platform and growth, and allow Aurox Nation to participate — all at the same time.

2022 and Beyond

Together with all of you, we have been building toward this moment. We know this is just the beginning. There’s a lot of hard work ahead of us. But we can’t wait to get started.

There’s more to this, and we can’t wait to share every detail with you very soon.

