New: Aurox website and brand direction

The Aurox Team
The Aurox Ecosystem
2 min readMar 23, 2022

As you all know, the Aurox team has always been ultra-focused on functionality. Every trader has seen a great-looking website that just can’t get the job done. That didn’t sit right with us, so we prioritised function over presentation.

But as Aurox grew, the original website didn’t feel like us anymore. Don’t get us wrong — the Aurox Terminal is still the best all-in-one platform out there. But it was clear to us that the old site had to go.

So we decided to scrape it entirely, and partner with some incredibly talented web designers for a complete revamp.

Today, we’re happy to share that Aurox’s brand new website is ready to meet the world.

We couldn’t be happier with how it turned out — sleek, easy to follow, and just plain cool. This site truly reflects the energy of Aurox Nation.

I think it’s best to get to experience it for yourself, so be sure to check out the new site here.

So, what’s next?

As you know, we’ve been working on a huge marketing campaign with a multi-million dollar budget, which is why our popularity is surging.

More and more traders are coming to our website every single day, and we’re happy to welcome them into our big Aurox Nation family.

Also, 2022 is a major stepping stone for us. We’re getting ready to announce a huge new milestone of Aurox that will help change the crypto world for the better: Making DeFi trading easy for millions of traders.

It’s a huge goal, but let’s be real…it’s exactly what crypto needs.

And we’re just so happy and proud Aurox Nation is by our side, helping us achieve it.

