A different narrative

US Consulate, CapeTown
United States in South Africa
5 min readSep 14, 2016


Storyteller Shane Evans is traveling across South Africa in the month of September to participate in discussions about identity, self-love and diversity. The IIP speaker started his trip in Cape Town and travels to Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape and Johannesburg in Gauteng this week.

Shane Evans is an illustrator, author, musician and artists. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri but is from the State of New York. Evans and his childhood friend actor Taye Diggs co-wrote the two children’s books “ChocolateMe” and “MixedMe”. These books are based on experiences of a black child and a mixed race child feeling different, self-love and celebrating diversity.

“Both Taye and I know this is a book that you can share with all ages, as the conversation is truly universal,” says Evans.

Universal — these issues surely are. South Africa has been engaged in a lively debates about inclusiveness and identity at schools since learners from Pretoria and Cape Town protested against school policies preventing them from wearing afro’s and talking their mother tongue.

Cape Town

Shane started his trip in Cape Town with an opening bash at the Open Book Festival. He participated in discussions throughout the festival and had several media interviews.

At the SABC radio studios in Sea Point he paid a visit to South African radio legend Shado Twala during her show Otherwise on SAfm.

Take a listen to the interview here.

During the last week Shane hosted a masterclass in writing and illustration at the American Corner, Cape Town and inspired young learners at Ottery Library, Rondebosch Library and the Homecoming Centre in District Six.

On Thursday the US Consulate, CapeTown and Artscape Theatre hosted a dicussion about “Diversifying Narratives” and how the arts and media told stories about #BlackExcellence.

Shane appeared on South Africa’s biggest television morning show, Expresso and the popular youth television show Hectic9Nine.

Shane Evans on the set of Hectic9Nine (above); Shane at News24 and Expresso (below).

On Hectic9Nine he participated in debates about hair at schools and engaged with learners about identity.

At News24's newsroom Jennifer Senasie interviewed Shane about his work.

Shane Evans also took a tour of Woodstock to see some of Cape Town’s best graffitti art.

He concluded his visit to Cape Town with a Publishers Round Table on transforming literature and jammed on Bush Radio Station. Watch…

Port Elizabeth

On Monday Shane Evans was welcomed to the windy city by Creative X PE and IVLP alumnus Rushay Booysen. The networking dinner was attended by young creatives from across the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area and included the 4 Blind Mice — a visual arts collective of young black illustrators and started by Charles Booth, Mawande Mase and Monde Goniwe.

Ryan Allan from Creative X PE interviewed Shane for his podcast at ARTec gallery, and later he met with NMMU arts and design students — one of the most respected arts schools in the country. Shane hosted a masterclass at the American Corner, Port Elizabeth focussing on making a career in illustration.

Shane at NMMU and ARTec gallery

Shane concluded his visit to Port Elizabeth with a raucous reception from learners at Paterson High. Students could not get enough of the story of “Chocolate Me”.

Shane Evans at Patterson High.

This was the reaction from learners when Shane started to sing.

Shane is travelling to Soweto and Johannesburg next. Keep a lookout for him at the Rosa Parks Library.

Follow US Consulate, CapeTown on Twitter for more information about cultural exchanges like this.

