Blog Post #1

Marlyn Sullivan
US-Mexico Border Issues
2 min readFeb 5, 2024

How do the stories of enslaved people who escaped to Mexico help us to understand the limitations of policies and the formation of the early border?

The stories of enslaved people who escaped to Mexico help us to understand the limitations of policies and the formation of the borders by showing us how the borders are run. Many African American slaves ran to Mexico to be freed from the enslavement they were living like the gruesome beatings and family separation. Even “free” African Americans were denied many rights. Although they paid taxes, they were not able to always vote. The children were denied public schools and transportation.

In what specific ways did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo form the border?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was created to end the US-Mexican War. The treaty included half of Northern Mexico’s territory to the United States. The present-day states are Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.

In what ways is the history of the U.S. Civil War also the history of the border?

The United States Civil War was a defining moment in American history. It was a conflict between the Northern and Southern states concerning the state’s rights, slavery, and authority. It also created a rift between the borders of both the Northern and Southern states. The Northern states viewed slavery as morally wrong and conflicting with the principles of liberty and equality in the Constitution. The Southern states relied heavily on slave labor and saw it as essential to their economy. Many slaves fled to Northern states to experience freedom from the Southern states.

How does a variety of perspectives on the war help us to understand its impact on the peace brokered in 1848?

The variety of perspectives fueled by different visions and objectives caused the war to peace brokered in 1848. It helped us understand the cause of the fighting between countries for change and negotiating for peace which was mainly slavery and the power of land.

What were the implications of the new international boundary for the people who lived in its proximity?

There were many implications of the new international boundary for the people who lived in proximity. Many of the people who lived close by had to adjust to new laws and restrictions. The citizens who live nearby now have to deal with all the migrants coming through. Also, there are going to be many cultures and ways of life that people have to get accustomed to.

