Blog Post #2

Marlyn Sullivan
US-Mexico Border Issues
2 min readFeb 19, 2024

What were the main goals of each nation-state relative to the border, and how did they change over time?

The main goal was to secure the border and prevent smuggling. The U.S. sought to seek mining especially where minerals were sought out and building transportation by joining the Sonora Railway and the Arizona and New Mexico Railroad. During the 19th century, there were border fences at the time. As time passed on the border was created with a stroke of a pen to build the border to a wall. St. John states that the lands they were divided with this line, with a stroke of a pen, became sites of significance and power. (St. John, p. 2)

How did the border surveys impact and shape social relations along the border?

Border surveys played a crucial role in shaping social relations along international borders. The surveys were conducted to determine borders accurately, prevent disputes, and establish clear boundaries between the U.S. and Mexico. By delineating the boundaries between countries, border surveys helped prevent conflict and disagreement over territorial claims. This helped with stability and cooperation along the border and also to improve relations between the countries. For instance, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, this treaty helped end the war between the United States and Mexico. Which reduced Mexico’s territory and the U.S. gained more land.

What were some of the main reasons that border landers wanted increased security along the line in the timeframe studied by St. John?

Some of the reasons that border landers wanted to increase security along the line during the timeframe studied by St. John was the activity increase along the borderline. They were having issues with tribes trying to take over the land. St. John states that during t1850 no Indian tribe was supposed to be located near more than 100 miles of the line of Mexico. (St.John, p. 56) This forced the Apache tribe to fight back to get their lands back. There were also other issues involved on the line that both sides had to increase security like smuggling, human trafficking, and drug trade. Another issue was the threat of illegal immigration. The need to control the border crossing and prevent unauthorized entry has been a top priority for many borderlands.

