Download free User Experience templates to use

Collaborate with others in Google Docs and

Patrick Neeman
Usability Counts
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2017


I teach at General Assembly in Seattle as a Part Time UX Instructor. One task that pained me early on was watching students scour the Internet for templates they could use to do user research, create site maps, and record usability tests — especially free documents using collaborative tools. So I created my own. They all use free tools like Google Docs or as the platform, and I’m releasing them to the wild.

As a designer you should never create anything from scratch.

I may have “borrowed” some of these templates from other people. Additionally, some of the examples show what a Site Map can look like for common website patterns. Most importantly, they emphasize the research and usability testing portion of design, and are orientated to a lean approach of working with others.

I would love to hear your feedback so I turned commenting on. The list will continue to grow as I continue to teach.

Google Docs Documents Documents

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Patrick Neeman
Usability Counts

AI design leader and former instructor. Data influenced since 1995. Runs and Opinions here are my own.