
Rowell John
Usability Testing
Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2014


Usability Test

SeriesGuide is an app that manage TV shows and movies. It is a great way to keep track of TV shows and to be updated with the upcoming and recent releases of TV shows and movies.

I have been using the app for quite a few weeks already. I find it a great app, in fact it is an app that I’m using daily (but not as frequent as C.O.C. ☺) it helped me catch up on the what episodes should I watch. Through this test I’m going to dig deeper to be able to analyze the app.


Perform a low-level usability test. Analyze and test the application to be able to identify weak points as well as it’s strong features.

Test Tasks

  1. Navigating through the menu
  2. Add a TV show
  3. Filter TV show
  4. Show upcoming and recent episodes
  5. Manage a TV show
  6. Mark episodes
  7. Create List
  8. Manage Movies
  9. View Statistics
  10. Manage Settings


Task 1: Navigating through the menu

The menu offers all the features that the app has. It’s design is simple and straightforward.

Task 2: Add a TV Series

Using the app, it’s a piece of cake to add TV series. As we can see trending shows immediately shown by the app. You can simply press the “+” button to add a show.

I have a little recommendation though regarding adding a TV show. I think its better if there is a “search bar” rather than a “search button” which leads to another interface.

Task 3: Filter TV show

Filtering shows allows user to control what the user wants to see. Filters includes Favorites, Unwatched, Upcoming and Hidden shows. It’s a great features especially if a user have added a bunch of shows.

Task 4: Show upcoming and recent episodes

This feature is my favorite. It allows users to be aware of the upcoming episodes and those that a user may have missed. The “check symbol” indicates if a user have or have not seen a particular episode. (Green: means Watched and if it’s White: well you know what its for). But the availability of check marks on the Upcoming Section is completely unnecessary because you cannot simply mark watched on an episode that you have not yet seen and still unaired, RIGHT??

Task 5: Manage a TV shows

I marked a green ellipse on the second image because I really like that navigation menu, it’s a quick way to navigate from one season to another.

Managing TV Shows allows users to see all seasons and episodes a show have, synopsis of the episodes, and it’s rating. It also gives users an easy way to catch up on episodes they have missed.

Task 6: Mark episodes

As we can see on previous images posted, marking an episode is really easy. A user can just press the check mark to mark an episode watched or unwatched.

Task 7: Create List

Managing list includes creating a list and adding TV shows on a list. It’s like creating and adding shows on your personal categories.

Task 8: Manage Movies

This feature allows user to view, search, add to watchlist and add collections of movies that the user likes.

Notice that some movies does not have images.

Upon selecting a movie, it’s information are prompted to the user. Which includes a synopsis, ratings, actors, and it also allowed you to share and watch its trailer on Youtube.

Task 9: View Statistics

Viewing statistics allows users to see the number of shows the add, number of episodes and movies they have seen and the runtime of all watched episodes. Sharing the stat is also possible.

I think I got a lot of catching up to do.

Task 10: Manage Settings

Settings includes changing content language, season number format, and unlocking the X features (paid version) of the app.


Weak Point #1

NO NOTIFICATION for free users. I think this is the most important feature that every app should have. Though this app has a notification but on the condition that users should buy the app. ☹ It needs to be unlocked for free users ASAP.

Weak Point #2

Some shows need to be updated manually which users does not want because it must be updated automatically.

Weak Point #3

There are too many ways to mark episodes which consumes a lot of spaces on the interface, though it serves as an indicator that an episode is or not yet watched by the user. Also marking an episode though its not yet aired. As what I have said on Task 4 that there episode can be mark watched even if episodes aren't aired yet. This is a big NO on the app.

Weak Point #4

It should be linked on a Google account to be able to share list, collection and progress between devices.

Weak Point #5

Some episode and movies does not have images. As we can see on the images posted on Task 8, there are movies that does not have images. Even on other features such as pictures of movie actors and actresses.

Strong Feature #1

The ability to show upcoming and recent episode releases as discussed on Task 4. This is my favorite feature. It helped me a lot catching up.

Strong Feature #2

Its simplicity that leads to user familiarity. Interface design are simple but convenient to use.

Strong Feature #3

Information, synopsis and other information are shown on every episode. This is a great feature especially if a user planned to use it offline.

Design Suggestions

I would prefer if it will be linked on a Google account. Less check marks should be observe. I would also suggest if there are various views that users could choose from to match what the users want. Themes should also be available for further design customization. And lastly, NOTIFICATION should be included and activated for FREE USERS. ☺



Rowell John
Usability Testing

I am addicted to Star Wars, I am developing a hobby on reading books, I am a “minimalist” fan, I love looking at great visual design and photographs.