Version 2

Usability Testing
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2014


Usability Test

This is an online game website that I have been playing during my free time named

screenshot of

What: online game

Who: Game enthusiasm

Where: Online website


To introduce to the game enthusiasm a better version of

Test Tasks

  1. Observe the site
  2. Create sign up account
  3. Click the image of your preferred game
  4. Observe the tab icon present on the game
  5. Run the game
  6. Display the scores
  7. Share what you get
  8. Save the game already visited
  9. Display the improvements of each game
  10. Move back from the Menu

I found the projects based on the substantive demands of using online games. I phrased the tasks as open-ended scenarios to avoid directing the participants to complete the task in a predetermined manner.

Analysis and Findings

Going over notes, identifying the usability issues and prioritizing them:

Observation 1:

This is the front page of friv that a user will be going to see on the site.

friv front page


It will be better if the site should create a sign up to be able a user can save and share they played games.

indicate sign up
sign up page

Observation 2:

This how the user will choose their wanted gamed.


It will be better if before choosing the game there is an introduction of the chosen game. So that a player will have a short background what they will anticipate from the game.

short intro for the game

Observation 3:

After clicking the icon of the game this will be viewed to a player. For me its hard to distinguish what are present here:

sample 1
sample 2
  1. In sample 1 the upper arrow is to be able a player wish to go back to the list of game.
  2. In sample 1 the below arrow is to go back to the image 2
  3. In sample 2 the image represent for the instruction of the game.

This how the icon represent in the game, for me it’s hard to tell in a user if he/she how to identifying the icon.


It will be helpful if there is a description for the sign on the site.

screen shot changes for sample 1
screen shot changes for sample 2

Observation 4:

Before clicking the start menu of the game.


It will be better if the site has scoring board that save the top player name that played the game.So that it will be challenging for the next player to beat the top player. Also a site indicate share button to be able the player can share his/her achievement on that game.

before the game
after the game
if user like to share the game

I hope you would like my suggested changes for that I think it will be a helpful improvement on playing the site ☺

