A case study to Implement a Filter for suitcase sizes for an e-commerce website

Priyanka Parmar
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2020


About Client

An online shop aggregator that helps users to compare and find products from thousands of shops in one single place.

The Quality, Marketing & Product departments had different requirements and suggestions to revamp their e-commerce website. This case study is centred on one of their requirements about implementing a size filter for suitcases. Being a UX Designer I had to conceptualize the same with thorough research. I was responsible to think about how that filter should work efficiently.

First, I started with a usability test and focused my design process on What, Why, When, and How. This was the problem statement,

The Quality Management department wanted to install a new filter, to allow users to filter ‘suitcase’ with its size.

I decided to do Benchmark testing to decide the usefulness of this filter based on the analytics they have for their website. I asked myself the question ‘Why any user would want to filter by size in the case of a suitcase?’ and came up with these use cases and stories after some research:

1. The user wants to know whether the suitcase would fit inside the plane cabin or whether it meets the requirements to be considered as check-in baggage. Since many…



Priyanka Parmar

I love to solve user & business problems and wear different hats as UX Designer | Interaction Designer | UX Researcher