Tackling the ecological crisis.

Dara Averina
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2020

By helping the companies measure and improve their sustainability.

Nowadays, we are facing the ecological crisis and should be grateful for everyone who is trying to grow their personal impact on tackling this issue.

A lot of companies inspired by Greta Thunberg and personal responsibility towards our planet are looking for ways to change how they operate and what impact are they making to the world.

I decided to help.


Sustainability consulting agency in Berlin that helps companies create and implement sustainability strategies and communication.


Is a not-for-profit project designed to help organisations understand their impact on the environment.

Teamed up with Romana and Chiara Ceschini, we created 2 different products to satisfy the goals for both companies.

Product requirements after stakeholders interview


Create a responsive page that helps potential clients to check their current sustainability practices, offers help and support in the form of agency services and brings new clients.


Create a responsive website using the Time2Sustain tool that will help any organisation to check their current sustainability levels in a fun and simple to digest way, drives awareness and promotes action.

User research insights

For user research, we have used the survey and user interviews primarily.

Two exciting insights of the survey was that 70.4% of the respondents are already trying to implement sustainability practices within their companies and that 69.2% of the companies are using self-evaluation to assess their sustainability levels.

Survey results

Our interviews identified the following opinions:

“I feel like transparency in sustainability is important.”

“Googling never offers something more than, ‘don’t use paper’. If [a tool] would give me hands-on solutions with not too much extra cost [I would use it].”

“Reading Medium articles on google is too scattered [for information on how to be more sustainable].”

“Change comes from the people.”

To analyse all of our data touchpoints, we used the affinity diagram, empathy map and lean UX Canvas, that was essential to organise data and analyse it better.

We summarised our findings into main categories:

HMW statement

Problem statement

To help our users, we identified the problem statement.

User persona

For the purpose of 2 products we created two user personas.

User journey

Thomas Ritter journey

Alexander Meyer journey

User flow

After analysing the behaviour and motivations of developed personas, we finished our analysis with user flows for the MVP development.

Alexander Meyer user flow. Goal — to assess the current situation and find qualified help.

Thomas Ritter user flow. Goal — to assess the current situation and to create the document for sharing within the company.

Solution developing

Low fidelity wireframes

We ideated the solutions by using Crazy 8’s (From Google Design Sprint kit) technique and came up with some ideas for both products.

After that, we created our first low fidelity wireframes and started testing them on real users.

low fidelity wireframes

Low fidelity testing result

By testing that early, we resolved some usability issues straight away. This testing stage only took us half of the day but brought a lot of the useful insights.

Round 1 testing — Sustentio

  • Option to skip questions should be available
  • Would like immediate feedback
  • Annoying to collapse and expand every question
  • Make questions clearer
  • List the company’s existing goals and missions related to each practice AFTER the rating of your performance
  • Rephrase the final section to “Our services can help you be more sustainable” “Contact us for more information.”
  • Condense the questions and implement a button “See more.”

Round 1 testing — Twenty4Future

  • It’s not clear that you can “drag” the bar to change the percentage
  • The word “practices” is confusing/not clear
  • You should include a description/bio of each measure
  • Introduce animations
  • The tree that is growing is a fresh solution: it gives you a fast idea of which level you are
  • Button seems like a “video” button
  • Pop up “let’s start the questions.”
  • Save your money is important to put inside the results.

Visual competitors analysis


Competitors products have a more serious and structured feeling, modern and young overall. As well as, even used bright colours are still more suppressed.

Futerra + Do not smile agency
Eco-Act + Edmire agencies


Competitors have more inspiring, fun and progressive look and feel.

Ecological footprint + Go Carbon Nututral
B-Assesment + Choose


To translate the mood to the user, we created a couple of mood boards and tested them by using 5 seconds on the real users. After analysing the results, we created 2 final moodboards, one for each product.

Sustentio moodboard
Twenty4Future moodboard

Style guide

Using the moodboads and more testing of the created style tiles on the message they portray to the user, we developed a user guide that reflects best the brand message.

Sustentio style guide
Twenty4Future style guide

High Prototypes

Finally, we created a fully functional interactive prototypes for both products.

Responsive screens

tablet + mobile
tablet + mobile

Next steps

  • Test the content of the questions with users to see if it is understandable.
  • Create PDF report design for sharing within the company.
  • Create a dashboard with historical data to compare over time.

Want to learn more?

If you’d like to become an expert in UX Design, Design Thinking, UI Design, or another related design topic, then consider to take an online UX course from the Interaction Design Foundation. For example, Design Thinking, Become a UX Designer from Scratch, Conducting Usability Testing or User Research — Methods and Best Practices. Good luck on your learning journey!



Dara Averina

I’m a UX/UI Designer in London who helps companies create digital products with a seamless experience for users. Portfolio: https://dariaaverina.com/