#16Days: Angelina is Inspiring Girls in Mozambique to Stand Up and Speak Out

U.S. Agency for International Development
2 min readNov 26, 2015
Illustration by Jason Drakeford

“He told me I couldn’t tell anyone.”

Angelina was only 14 years old when she was sexually abused by her teacher. Born into a poor family in rural Mozambique, she sold eggs on the side of the road to help cover the cost of her education and dreamed of becoming a nurse.

Teachers wield incredible power to positively influence young lives. However, they are also able to abuse that power. In this case, Angelina’s teacher promised financial support in exchange for her silence.

Scared and struggling to afford school fees, Angelina continued to suffer abuse for an entire year. It wasn’t until she participated in a school health program run by USAID partner ANDA that Angelina realized what was happening to her was wrong. When Angelina’s group began discussing gender-based violence, she began to cry.

In Mozambique villages like this one, access to justice in cases of sexual abuse can be limited. / Christian Smith for USAID

With Angelina’s consent, the counselor from ANDA immediately reported the abuse to the school and district authorities. With the help of the school health program, Angelina was finally able to recognize her abuse, prosecute her abuser, and pursue an education free from fear and harassment.

In Mozambique and around the world, going from the classroom to the courtroom can be challenging, requiring teachers, counselors and governments to work together for justice. Still, Angelina’s counselor hopes this outcome will motivate other students to stand up to abuse, and send a powerful message to abusers.

“Angelina’s bravery will give other girls the courage to say no and speak out.”

Learn More: https://www.usaid.gov/16-days

This post is part of USAID’s 16 Days storytelling series. Please check back tomorrow for the next installment.



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