Together We Stand with Ukraine

3 ways USAID is coordinating the global relief effort

U.S. Agency for International Development
5 min readMar 16, 2022



After months of diplomacy by the United States, Ukraine, and our allies, Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown he is not interested in peace, but only in power.

Now, as artillery fire and missiles light up the sky across Ukraine’s historic cities, the humanitarian crisis becomes more acute every day as a result of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion.

The U.S. Government, along with Ukraine, our European allies, and our humanitarian assistance partners, worked to prepare for a war we hoped would never come. Now just over three weeks into Russia’s invasion, the war has already had a profound impact on Ukrainians — more than 3 million refugees, nearly two million displaced internally, and 12 million in need of assistance.

We have provided more than 1,200 satellite phones to government officials and experts on the ground so they can thwart cyberattacks, and protect utilities that are critical to humanitarian efforts and to keeping their citizens informed. We ramped up efforts to counter disinformation by supporting real-time reporting, and provided flak jackets and other equipment so that journalists can continue to report even in harm’s way.

But despite the immense efforts to prepare for this unfolding war, we know that many Ukrainians will continue to needlessly suffer at the hands of Russia’s aggression.

And we know that supporting a free and sovereign Ukraine requires a strong, multinational response. Keep reading to learn about three ways USAID is coordinating the global response to help Ukrainians fight for their democracy and independence.


1. Coordinating Across Donors

The world’s largest donors of international assistance have condemned Russia’s blatant aggression, and they continue to step up as needs continue to escalate. USAID proactively tracks updates from other governmental and non-governmental donors, including foundations and the private sector, to help maximize the effective use of every donor dollar. Close communication is critical for regional coordination on the ground, and ultimately for ensuring support reaches the Ukrainian people who need it.

USAID will continue to facilitate ongoing coordination between donor governments, especially around key areas including supporting civil society partners and a free press, so that Ukrainians and the world have access to accurate information. We will also provide psychosocial and other humanitarian assistance, and help with preparations for the upcoming agricultural season in “Europe’s breadbasket,” which if unharvested could threaten food security globally.

2. Coordinating Across Neighboring Countries

While the needs inside of Ukraine surge, so do those in its neighboring countries. More than 1.5 million refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, persons with disabilities, and older people, are fleeing Russia’s war for safety in nearby countries. Moldova, a USAID partner since 1992, has welcomed more than 104,000 Ukrainians seeking safety. More than 1.6 million Ukrainians — or approximately 60% of the current refugee population — are sheltering in Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. Many other European countries are also hosting refugees.

USAID continues to coordinate with host countries as well as international organizations and NGOs to support those displaced internally within Ukraine and those who may seek safety in neighboring countries. Since the beginning of the invasion, USAID has helped bring much needed humanitarian supplies, such as food and medical supplies, to be distributed inside Ukraine. In addition, USAID is providing expertise in logistics and supply chain management to help organize one of the largest humanitarian efforts in recent history.

People wait for a train to Poland at the railway station of the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on Feb. 26. / Yuriy Dyachyshyn / AFP

3. Coordinating Across Humanitarian Actors

USAID is leading the U.S. Government’s humanitarian response in Ukraine, which includes nearly $54 million in additional humanitarian assistance that will enable USAID and the Department of State to support our partners in providing critically needed health care, safe drinking water, sanitation, hygiene supplies, and protection for vulnerable children.

USAID has also deployed an elite Disaster Assistance Response Team to respond to growing needs and to work in close coordination with European allies and partners.

To ensure maximum support and efficiency, USAID coordinates and collaborates closely with humanitarian actors on the ground in Ukraine. For example, in the first two weeks of the war, our support to UNICEF helped prioritize child protection, and provided health, water, sanitation, and hygiene supplies to 40,000 people.

USAID’s work with the World Health Organization will provide 10 emergency health kits — robust packages that include medicine and medical devices and supplies — that can provide health care for 100,000 people for three months. And our support will continue.

On March 10, Vice President Kamala Harris announced nearly $53 million in additional humanitarian assistance solely for USAID, which includes support for the World Food Program (WFP) to provide lifesaving emergency food assistance to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians affected by the invasion, including people who are displaced from their homes and who are fleeing the country. It will also support WFP’s logistics operations to move assistance into Ukraine, including to people in Kyiv.

This premeditated and unprovoked attack continues to wreak preventable damage, despair, and death on the Ukrainian people.

The United States has stood in partnership with Ukraine since 1992, supporting the aspirations of its citizens for democratic governance, economic growth, energy security, and public health. We will continue to stand with Ukraine today, and for the days to come.

For more about USAID’s work in Ukraine, go to And sign up for email updates to get the latest about our work in the country and region.



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