Unforgotten in the Central African Republic

A Graphic Novel from USAID


Ongoing conflict has destabilized the Central African Republic and driven population displacement across the country. Those most vulnerable to food insecurity live in places with armed conflict. More than half of Central Africans rely on humanitarian assistance to get by day-to-day.

For Odile and Samba, their pasts involve violence and loss, but their present tells a different story. Keep reading to hear about their experiences on how U.S. food assistance provided hope during desperate times.

Odile and her family are among 641,000 Central Africans who are internally displaced in CAR. Samba is among 590,000 Central African refugees who live in neighboring countries. Nearly 3 million people — more than half of the population in CAR — need humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs.

With support from USAID’s Office of Food for Peace, the U.N. World Food Program is responding to the CAR crisis with emergency food assistance and emergency school meals in localities most affected by the crisis. Learn more about our response in CAR.

Illustrated by Vanessa Rodriguez for USAID
Story by Kristen Byrne, USAID

About USAID’s Office of Food for Peace

USAID’s Office of Food for Peace saves lives and tackles chronic hunger and poverty through U.S. food assistance. We have reached more than 4 billion people with food assistance since 1954. Follow us on Twitter @USAIDFFP.

