A Social Adventure

Phillip McCauley
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017

Memo format to keep your precious seconds free for you to waste.


This week I went trolling on Wikipedia and gave my brother five bucks for a soda.



The Wiki community is not only dedicated but incredibly swift. After I posted an incorrect fact about Chipotle on its Wiki page someone policed my addition in less than two minutes. Leading me believe most of the facts on the Wiki deserve to be there.


I will continue to use this application in my daily life. This is app is easy, fast and intuitive. While you’re paying someone, send them a fun little message with an emoji.



Am I hilarious? Some people would say yes and others would give you a stern NO! But today I would argue that whether I am or am not, I contributed a clever addition to Wikipedia. I wrote about “Chipotlaway” a fictitious cleaning product that is used to get the blood stains out of soiled underwear after eating at Chipotle. This wasn’t done just for laughs; I wanted to see how the Wiki police would respond if provoked. I wrote the text in a nondescript way so as not to stand out, but if someone were to read it they would know something was off, thus baiting the police into action. Within a few minutes the passage I had written was taken down and everything was back the way it was supposed to be. This gives me much more faith in Wiki’s information. They have an incredible dedicated user base that believes in the integrity of this database.


This Application is awesome, and just like last week’s app Snapchat, I wish I had found this much sooner. I’m not seeing any fees associated with this product, now that could be my ignorance but so far so good. Next thing I noticed, is that you get to select a picture for your avatar, so I went with a classic, Jay Cutler holding a cat while smoking. (This image will be attached in case you wanted a visual) Now that people get to see my digital persona, it’s time to start throwing money at my brother, who I gave five dollars with the message, “Hey big guy. You want a soda?”

This app. not only enables people to pay each other easily, but you get to add some character and whimsy to these normally mundane interactions. The social aspect of this app is really fun. But I do not see this as a way to meet new people or to interact with strangers of any sort. But I will definitely put this into active rotation in my daily life.

