1 min readFeb 1, 2017


An emerging tech product is Roku along with its competitors, including Chromecast, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV. Roku receives data via WiFi (or a wired connection) from an internet router and allows viewers to watch content from streaming services like Netflix, HBO Go, and Hulu on a TV screen.

As these streaming services become increasingly more popular among TV viewers, Roku and its competitors serve an important role in the lives of TV consumers and is already beginning to disrupt traditional TV consumption habits. One indicator of the potential impact of these devices is that every major player, including Google, Amazon, and Apple, have released a product similar to Roku. I have many friends that have forgone cable TV altogether and have opted to purchase Roku or one of its competitors, so in some cases, Roku is poaching customers away from cable TV providers.

I foresee Roku to become only more popular in 2017 — I’m curious to see how many users are completely converting over to using Roku or one of its competitors instead of cable TV. It’s certainly more cost effective than a cable subscription, and for many younger users, content from streaming services are more widely watched than cable TV shows. Time will only tell!




Master’s Student — USC Digital Social Media Program | espresso fanatic | cat mom | former Stanford synchronized swimmer + national champion | #GoCard + #FightOn