Explaining The Price Of USDX

USDX Wallet
USDX Wallet
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2019

We want to answer questions our users are asking via social media platforms.

First of all, we’ve listed USDX to simplify its trading on the market and eliminate the necessity to exchange it to LHT.

The USDX market value decrease is a consequence of the Airdrop; its effect is temporary. The sale of assets obtained in this way often happens below the fair value as Airdrop participants seek to make quick profits.

You can always exchange USDX to $1 worth of LHT in our USDX Wallet app. In other words, if USDX is selling on the market at $0.5, it can be redeemed, converted to LHT and sold on the exchange for $1. That is why the fair price of 1 USDX is $1.

Currently, the liquidity of LHT on the market is low. We are working to improve this situation. For example, we are launching an Agents Program, we are negotiating listings on more exchanges, we are attracting new users and partners. All these actions are aimed at increasing the demand without increasing the supply*. They will also stimulate the stabilization of USDX and LHT prices, as well as the growth of liquidity on the market.

Check our Blockchain Explorer for live updates on the amount of LHT and USDX available for distribution.

*The circulating supply is 50M LHT; it is replenished once a year if the previously issued volume is fully distributed.



USDX Wallet
USDX Wallet

Instant transfers without banks, borders or fees. User-friendly and secure blockchain wallet app with USDX stablecoin: https://usdx.cash/