How to archive Hover SDK actions

Jess Shorland
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2023

Beginning 15 May 2023, Hover SDK users can create and use one (1) custom action for free forever. Each additional custom action costs USD $10 per action per month. Archived actions do not incur any costs. To avoid any unexpected charges, please ensure all unused or out of date actions are archived by the 15th of each month.

Read more about actions.

How to archive actions from the Hover dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Hover account
  2. Navigate to your actions
Click on “actions” to access your account’s custom actions

3. Click on the action you want to archive and select “archive action”

Open the action detail pane and click “archive action”

4. Confirm your choice to archive the action

The action is now archived and you will not be billed. You will no longer see the action under “actions”, but can access it from your archive.

How to archive actions with Hover’s configuration API

You can programmatically archive actions using Hover’s configuration API.


This endpoint moves the action to the archives. You can undo this action by making a PUT request to api/actions/ACTION_PUBLIC_ID/restore.


-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: JWT-TOKEN" \

The server should respond with the following JSON payload.


Read more about managing actions with the configuration API in our docs.

How to access your action archive

To access your archive, click “archive” under your Hover account settings.

You will see all actions, parsers, and apps that have been archived.

