Usechain making a phenomenal presence at the 2018 Finwise Summit Tokyo

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3 min readMay 24, 2018

The 2018 Finwise Summit held in Tokyo Japan between May 21–22 is one of the most influential blockchain events in the world. It has attracted nearly ten of thousands of people to participate in the event, along with dozens of blockchain companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, mining equipment manufacturers as well as domestic and international media. The summit consists of Japan largest media corporation NHK, Bitmain, BTCC, Cointime, Chainfor, BitKan, BKBT, Coinegg as well as other well-known media and corporations.

Usechain has been recognized globally as one of the potential blockchain project. From its first appearance in the Silicon Valley to New York and to Tokyo, even to presenting on the same stage as Ripple, Usechain has received worldwide attention and compliments from the community. The team has officially started its Asia tour and the Tokyo Finwise Summit is the first stop. Professor Henry Cao, Founder & CEO of Usechain, represents the team to participate in the Summit. He presented the concept of Usechain — ‘’Mirror Identity To Use’’ to a panel of blockchain elites, entrepreneurs, investors, industrial leaders, technical developers as well as media personnel. The project received great reviews and feedback from the audience.

Professor Cao presenting on Usechain consensus algorithm

Professor Cao explain to the audience what kind of revolution Usechain will bring about using its innovative consensus algorithm. The project aims to achieve using blockchain technology to contribute and create value to the society and industries respectively. It presents a unique algorithm call Randomised Proof of Work (RPOW) integrating with mirror identity mapping protocol to establish individual identity value. This is something that has yet to exist in our traditional centralized system and will eventually change the future of our identity management system.

The implementation of identity verification application using mirror identity protocol has been one of Usechain greatest achievement. In the Usechain ecosystem, it can be applied to the financial industry such as loan, bond, stock, financial derivatives, commodity, mutual fund, insurance, investment bank and others. This reduce the capital required to transact financially and non-financially, as well as eliminating barrier to entry on financial services, E.g. The Wall Street. Usechain is creating an ecosystem to promote financial inclusion, to allow everyone has access to a broader variety of financial services.

Professor Cao thinks that the unique feature of Usechain is the ability to incorporate the concept of identity into blockchain, to create a mirror identity environment. Such environment is able to facilitate transactions transparently on a large scale with high efficient speed and low transaction cost, and at the same time conforming to regulatory requirements.

Professor Cao taking a picture together with Bitbox exchange founder Mr Zhou

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