9 Easy Habits for a Cleaner, Calmer Home

Daimond Simon
Useful Listicles
Published in
7 min readMay 20, 2024
Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

It is a pleasure to live in a tidy and serene house. More than that, though, it offers the solid base on which our lives and the lives of our family members are constructed.

“Your home should be the antidote to stress, not the cause,” as Peter Walsh puts it.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to maintain such a setting. You can make sure your living space is consistently serene, hospitable, and peaceful with a few easy habits.

And that is a gift for your family as a whole, for you, and for the future.
These routines are made to be simple to follow, so maintaining a clean home becomes second nature to you.

These 9 easy habits will help anyone make their home more organized and peaceful right away, demonstrating how little actions can have a big impact.

1. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Even though making your bed may seem like a simple and unimportant task, it can have a big impact on your day. Making your bed first thing in the morning creates a good vibe for the rest of the day. Your bedroom appears instantly more organized and welcoming when the bed is made up nicely. In addition, there’s a certain pleasure in retiring to a clean bed at the end of the day.

Psychologists have discovered that finishing this quick chore first thing in the morning can set off a series of other fruitful routines. You feel like you’ve accomplished something, which motivates you to take on more work throughout the day. Thus, set aside a short period of time every morning to fold your linens, plump up your cushions, and neatly stack your blankets. It’s a small habit that can have a significant impact on your general sense of order and well-being.

2. Do Dishes Right After Eating

A sink full of dirty dishes is the surest way to create a chaotic feeling in a kitchen. You can avoid dirt accumulation and keep your kitchen spotless and organized for the next cooking session by washing your dishes as soon as you finish eating. Meal preparation is made more fun by this habit, which also keeps your kitchen looking neat.

Seek the assistance of your family or roommates to help you develop this habit. Organize a rotating schedule for dishwashing responsibilities or ask everyone to help clean up after every meal. It may be easier to wash a few dishes now rather than later when you have to deal with an intimidating pile of dirty plates and utensils. Furthermore, cooking more often can encourage healthier eating habits and help you save money on takeout by keeping your kitchen tidy.

3. Follow a Nightly 15-Minute Cleanup

It’s tempting to just unwind and put the mess off until tomorrow after a long day. Even fifteen minutes a night to tidy up, though, can go a long way toward keeping your home neat and orderly. This quick nightly routine helps reset your space for the next day and ensures you wake up to a tidy environment.

Organizing books, folding blankets, putting toys away, and putting things back where they belong are some examples of nightly cleanup tasks. Engage all members of your household by making it an enjoyable and cooperative project. You can see how much you can get done in those fifteen minutes by setting a timer. You’ll find that keeping your house tidy gets easier with time, and you’ll be able to enjoy a clutter-free area every morning.

4. Declutter Regularly

Clutter often comes as a surprise to us. A few misplaced objects can easily spiral out of control and become a disorganized mess. Organizing your home requires regular decluttering in order to keep it organized and manageable. Every month, set aside some time to go through your belongings and determine what should be thrown away, donated, or kept.

Frequent decluttering keeps your home organized and stops clutter from building up. Begin with a single room, or even a small space, like a drawer or closet. Examine every item and ask yourself if it fulfills a need or makes you happy. It’s time to let it go if not. Not only does decluttering increase your physical space, but it also improves your stress levels and mental clarity.

Another option is to embrace a minimalist approach, emphasizing the importance of retaining only items that you genuinely love and need. Using this method can assist you in choosing more carefully what you bring into your house and how you use your available space. Recall that less clutter frees up your time for enjoyment of your house and less cleaning.

5. Implement Storage Solutions

Keeping your home organized starts with finding good storage solutions. To keep commonplace items out of sight but still easily accessible, use drawers, bins, and baskets. You can maintain organization in your space and significantly lessen visual clutter by using the right storage solutions.
Invest in adaptable storage solutions that complement various rooms in your house.

For instance, store holiday decorations or seasonal apparel in clear plastic bins that you can easily identify by labeling. Stylish baskets in your living room can store remote controls, periodicals, and blankets so they’re out of sight but still accessible. Drawer organizers in the kitchen can assist you in keeping gadgets and utensils organized.

Having everything in its proper place makes it easier to maintain a clean home. Urge every member of your family to put things back where they belong after using them. This easy routine guarantees that your house stays tidy and clutter-free.

6. Keep Countertops Clear

Countertops in bathrooms and kitchens are ideal places for clutter to accumulate. Try to keep only the necessities on these surfaces and avoid adding extraneous items. Clear countertops facilitate easier cleaning and give the impression of being cleaner and more organized.

When not in use, keep food items, small appliances, and utensils in cabinets or drawers in the kitchen. This gives you more room to prepare meals and keeps your countertops neat. In the restroom, only keep necessities like your hand towel, soap, and toothbrush on your counter. To preserve a neat and organized appearance, store additional items in cabinets or drawers.

Clearing counters has psychological advantages as well. Your mind feels less cluttered and you’re more likely to keep your surroundings tidy when you’re surrounded by clean surfaces. To avoid clutter building up, make it a habit to put items away as soon as you use them.

7. Adopt a “One In, One Out” Rule

Make it your habit to get rid of old items whenever you acquire new ones. By doing this, you can keep your belongings in balance and stop clutter from building. It’s especially helpful to follow the “one in, one out” rule when organizing clothes, books, and household goods.

Donate or throw away an old pair of shoes you no longer wear if you purchase a new pair. Give a book you’ve already read to a friend or give it to the library when you receive a new one. This behavior promotes thoughtful consumption and keeps you from acquiring needless things.

Furniture and kitchen appliances are examples of larger items that fall under the “one in, one out” rule. You can make your living space more efficient and well-organized by regularly reviewing your belongings and getting rid of items you no longer need. Furthermore, giving away still-usable goods is a wonderful way to give back to your community.

8. Use Doormats and Remove Shoes

Reduce the amount of dirt and debris you bring inside your home. This is one of the easiest ways to keep it clean. Every entrance should have a doormat, and visitors and family should be urged to take off their shoes before entering. This practice lessens the need for frequent sweeping and mopping and keeps floors cleaner.

Doormats keep dust, debris, and moisture from entering your house by capturing it in their fabric. For both indoor and outdoor use, select mats that are long-lasting and simple to clean. Another option is to have a designated area close to the entrance, such as a shoe rack, where people can leave their shoes.

Eliminating shoes not only keeps your floors cleaner, but it also lessens the deterioration of your carpets and flooring. It’s a straightforward habit that can greatly increase the longevity of your flooring and enhance your home’s general cleanliness. Offering family members and visitors cozy indoor slippers will help you encourage this habit.

9. Manage Mail and Paperwork Immediately

If not properly managed, mail and paperwork can quickly turn into a source of clutter. Sort and handle mail and paperwork as soon as you receive it to prevent paper mountains from taking over your room. To keep your house tidy, set up a system for instant recycling, shredding, or filing.

Set aside specific areas for incoming and outgoing mail, including personal letters, bills, and invitations. Store important documents in a filing system, and schedule time each week to go through your files and get rid of anything you don’t need. To protect your personal information, shred any sensitive documents and recycle the remainder.

You can keep your home neat and avoid clutter by keeping up with your mail and paperwork. Timely paperwork management also guarantees that you won’t overlook deadlines or misplace vital documents. It’s a tiny habit that can go a long way toward keeping your home stress-free and organized.


You can significantly improve the cleanliness and tranquility of your home by incorporating these 9 easy habits into your everyday routine. Your home’s atmosphere will soon change significantly if you begin small and incorporate these practices into your daily routine. Then, relish the serenity it adds to your everyday existence.

