9 Moves Successful People Never Make (And You Shouldn’t Either)

Daimond Simon
Useful Listicles
Published in
7 min readMay 21, 2024
Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

Okay, let’s get real about success. It’s not just about killing it at work. Nope. It’s also about how you chill. High achievers? They’ve got the playbook. They know what to dodge when they’re off the clock. So, let’s dive in. Here’s the lowdown on what successful folks avoid in their downtime.

Neglecting Relationships

Do you think success is a solo mission? Think again. It’s not just about crushing your goals — it’s also about keeping your crew close. Ambitions can suck you in, make you forget the real MVPs in your life. But the winners? They carve out time for family and friends. They know relationships are pure gold — support, love, joy. Keeps them grounded. Reminds them of what truly matters. No matter how slammed they are, they always find time for their people. Success is way sweeter when you’ve got your squad to share it with. Weekends at the lake, movie nights, random coffee dates — successful folks know these moments are what life’s all about. They get that a happy heart fuels a sharp mind. Ever tried to function without your people? It’s like trying to run on empty. Can’t be done. So, they prioritize their relationships. Make them a non-negotiable part of their lives. They call their mom, hang out with friends, take their kids to the park. They make sure they’re there for birthdays, anniversaries, and those random Tuesday nights when someone just needs a chat.

Living in the Past

Successful people? They don’t hang out in the past. Obsessing over old screw-ups? Total waste of time. Can’t change history, but the future? Totally in your hands. They don’t cry over spilled milk. Instead of crying over spilled milk, they’re all about what’s next. Learn from the mess-ups, set fresh goals, keep moving. The past is a lesson, not a life sentence. Use it, grow from it, but don’t let it chain you down. Let go of those regrets, focus on now, and what’s ahead. This mindset frees them up to grab new opportunities with clear heads and open hearts. Imagine being stuck in the past. Reliving that time you bombed a presentation or messed up a big project. It’s like carrying a bag of bricks everywhere. Successful people? They drop those bricks. Learn from them, sure. But they don’t let them weigh them down. Forward. Always forward.

Forgetting to Give Back

Here’s the deal. Climbing to the top isn’t just about you. It’s also about lifting others up. High achievers? They get this. Giving back is part of their DNA. Volunteering, mentoring, donating — they find ways to make an impact. Giving back? It’s not just feel-good fluff. It’s a reminder that we’re all in this together. No matter how high they soar, successful people stay rooted. They know their success is sweeter when they help others rise too. Think about it. What’s the point of success if you’re the only one at the top? It’s lonely up there. But when you help others along the way, it’s a whole different ball game. It’s not just about the money or the fame. It’s about making a difference. Creating a legacy. Successful folks? They know this. They live it. They might mentor a young professional, volunteer at a local charity, or donate to causes they believe in. They understand that true fulfillment comes from giving, not just taking. It’s about contributing to something bigger than themselves.

Working Too Much

Been there, done that — working until you drop. Not a badge of honor, just a fast track to burnout. Successful people know they can’t pour from an empty cup. Overworking in their spare time? Nope, smarter than that. They make rest and relaxation a priority. They know that breaks, hobbies, and joy are part of the game. They understand that success is a marathon. They understand that the road to success is only traversable on a balanced life. That’s how they keep their energy and mental clarity in top form. Ever tried to run a marathon without training? That’s what overworking feels like. It’s not sustainable. You crash and burn. Successful people? They pace themselves. They take breaks. They know that rest isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity. They spend their free time doing things that recharge them. Reading a book, going for a hike, spending time with family. They know that when they’re well-rested, they’re more productive. More creative. More everything.

Avoiding Boredom

It sounds weird, but being bored is their secret weapon. Successful people don’t fill their diaries to the brim. They embrace boredom. Why? Because it sparks creativity. In our nanosecond-nation, our minds rarely get the chance to wander. But those quiet, dull moments? That’s where the magic happens. Let your mind roam free, and you might stumble upon your next big idea. Success means letting your brain have time off, because sometimes that is when the best ideas come. Think about it. Some of the best ideas come when you’re not even trying. In the shower. On a walk. During those moments when you’re just. bored. Successful people? They know this. They create space for it. They let their minds wander. And that’s when the magic happens.

Ignoring Their Passions

Successful people do not brush their passions under the carpet. They understand that it is passion that fuels them and drives them toward success, happiness, and fulfillment. They make time for their favorite activities, whether it be painting, playing the guitar, gardening, cooking, or writing. These are not mere hobbies. These are lifelines. These hobbies help release their tension as they express themselves and enjoy their favorite activities. Cutting back on what lights you up? That’s a recipe for regret. Successful people still have time for what they love to do; however, full their schedule may be, they still find a way to fit in time for that one thing. Life’s too short to skip the fun stuff. Imagine a life without passion. Boring, right? Successful people know that passion is what keeps them going. It’s what makes life exciting. They prioritize their passions, having them as part of their daily lives. They know that doing what they love fuels their success.

Forgetting to Live in the Moment

Top performers? They’re all about being present. It’s so easy to get lost in the grind, always eyeing the next big thing. But success isn’t all about the destination; it’s about the journey. Being present helps them make sharper decisions. They’re tuned in, catching every detail, analyzing situations spot-on. This mindfulness? It leads to smarter choices and appreciating life’s little wins. So, take a breath. Look around. Soak it in. This moment? It’s your life. Don’t let it pass you by. Think about it: How many times have you missed out on something great only because you were looking too far down the road? Successful people don’t let that happen. They’re in it for the moment. They know that the journey is just as important as the destination.

Elevate Your Down-Time

Elevate Your Success ,Success is not about grinding every minute of every day. It’s about balance. How you spend your free time makes you successful. Self-care, personal growth, nurturing relationships, giving back, even embracing boredom — these are the threads that weave into a successful life. Chew on these. Success is not just about avoiding bad habits; it is about embracing the good ones. Find your balance, make purposeful choices, and not only will you accomplish what you set out to do, but you will enjoy the journey, too.

Wasting Time on Meaningless Activities

Successful people are time ninjas. They treat every minute like it’s dipped in gold. Sure, we all need to relax and recharge. But there’s a big difference between enjoying a well-earned break and scrolling through social media for hours on end. They respect their time. They invest it in activities that add to their lives, give them energy, and enhance their well-being. Instead of disappearing into the digital black hole, maybe they use that time to read a book, meditate, or work on a hobby that brings them joy and fulfillment. Think about it: every minute spent on meaningless activities is a minute that could have been spent learning something new, enhancing a relationship, or improving your health. By valuing their time and spending it wisely, successful individuals ensure they’re always moving forward, even in their leisure.

Not Taking Care of Their Health

Now let me take you back a bit backward with a small story. A few years ago, I was all about hustling. Work, work, and more work. And do you know what free time was according to me? That was sleeping and catching up on emails. Now, this is what I thought would be the track to the highway of prosperity. I was very wrong. I struck into a wall. The energy level tanked, productivity went down, and I was always feeling under the weather. It took a forceful talk from a doctor for me to realize that I wasn’t taking good care of my health. Successful people understand that you can’t be at your best if you’re not taking care of your physical health. They don’t skip meals; they exercise regularly and make sure they get enough sleep. On their downtime, you’ll find them walking, cycling, in the gym, or making a healthy meal, not sitting on the couch with a bag of chips. Your body is your most important tool for success. If you’re neglecting it, you’re sabotaging your own progress. Let me tell you that investing in your health is non-negotiable. Successful people understand that a healthy body fuels a healthy mind, which in turn powers their drive and ambition.

